Thursday, April 23, 2015

Church Militant TV's Simon Rafe and Ryan Fitzgerald will not answer : SSPX

 Church Militant TV posted a report on its Facebook page 1 saying that the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) is in schism.They have not responded to my blog post 2 in which I mentioned that the popes, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith/Ecclesia Dei are interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference.So why should the SSPX accept this irrational version of Vatican Council II ?
Is the contemporary Magisterium interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference ? Simon Rafe and Ryan Fitzgerald will not  answer.
-Lionel Andrades

ChurchMilitant.TV The pope is the highest authority on this matter. Regardless of what various cardinals or bishops have said, the pope has the last word. Pope Benedict made clear in his 2009 motu proprio Ecclesiam Unitatem:

1. The SSPX has no canonical status

2. The SSPX has no jurisdiction
3. The SSPX exercises "no legitimate ministry in the Church"
4. All SSPX clergy remain suspended a divinis, which means their clergy are forbidden from offering the sacraments under pain of mortal sin.

They act as if they have status and jurisdiction, and daily defy the Holy See by offering the sacraments, thus committing mortal sin. They set a terrible example of disobedience, and draw people away into their independent community, while denigrating a legitimate and valid rite of the Church. The SSPX may not be in formal schism, but there is no doubt they are in material schism.
SSPX must continue to reject Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents interpreted with the false premise and conclusion : ChurchMilitant TV comment incomplete
Church Militant TV could produce a video for the CDF-SSPX Reconciliation
Vatican (CDF) had a lot to hide and so they kept those SSPX-CDF doctrinal talks secret
Church Militant TV (CMTV) could help resolve the CDF-SSPX doctrinal issue by identifying the exact doctrinal error
ChurchMilitantTV removes comments : irrational theology which David Obeid and Luke Macik have to teach to be approved by the bishop

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