Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dress well or go to Hell

Last Tuesday I was walking under the bridge off Via Tritone when a bus full of teenagers parked and they got off all at once and so I had to  walk through them along the pavement.Many women had most of their legs bare and when they looked at me some of them had rebellion and anger on their face.I must have come across as one of 'the bad guys' portrayed by the secular media.Satan's own media.
I kept looking down and so tried to retain my recollection. I would not want to lose Jesus' Presence with something so trivial as this.
As Catholics we do not kill people for being dressed immodestly but it still is a mortal sin, as it is in Judaism and Islamism.
Before the last 100 years in Europe there was no vulgarity in dress on the beaches.It was not part of the Christian-Catholic culture.Now it is common since over the last 100 years or so, the media is not Christian but really anti Christian.It opposes the teachings of God and supports His adversary.
While we cannot depend on popes, cardinals and bishops any more to teach on immodesty in relation to sin and Hell, there is a whole new genre of teaching on this subject emerging from apparitions of Jesus and Our Lady to Christians.
For Gloria Polo modesty in clothes was important for salvation. She learnt this only after she died and was before the Throne of God.Jesus showed her how immodesty in clothes was a mortal sin and took a person to Hell.We have a responsibility towards others.We show this by the way we dress.The way we dress can send another person to Hell because of sins of the flesh.Lust. Impure thoughts willfully held...
Some of those young people may believe in Jesus and also think it was not wrong to dress as they did. This was how Dr.Gloria Polo thought before she was struck dead with a lightning bolt and her body was completely charred.
At Garabandal,Spain Our Lady told the young seers to avoid the beaches.At Medugorje Our Lady says avoid television and use the time for prayer.
The way you dress, or the lack of it is important for this secular, anti-Christian society.Even if you are well covered don't seem poor.Poverty is not popular in clothes! Faded and torn jeans are acceptable but never torn jackets and overcoats.Illustrations of St.Francis of Assisi don't always  project him as a poor man.It is usually 'without the suferrings and smells'.The stuff of the after life in Hell.1
It still is, dress well or go to Hell.
-Lionel Andrades
Hell pictures_ A Trip To Hell (Full version) / 지옥그림_지옥을 견학하다 (Full version)

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