Saturday, April 18, 2015

Gavin D'Costa has not denied that he uses a false reasoning, which is factually and objectively incorrect

Gavin D'Costa does not deny any of the observations made in this report.1 The issue is not about his religous beliefs but his scholarship.His un-professional reasoning,  would be a lie even for academics.This is  theology with a deception.It is reasoning based on an objective error.
He has not denied that a rational professor of theology at an accredited British university in Bristol, infers that there is salvation outside the Church and this salvation is defacto known to us in the present times.In other words the dead now saved in Heaven are physically visible to us on earth, to become  exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the Catholic dogma on salvation.
This is not genuine scholarship. It is also unethical.He places this reasoning before students at the university.
He has not denied that as a professor of theology he uses the following irrational three points to reject the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church.Professionally this is unethical.This would not be accepted by non Catholic academics in England.It's so far out.
1. The physically dead for us, who are now saved in Heaven in invincible ignorance or with the baptism of desire are considered exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,even though they are not known or visible to us in April 2015.This is not a joke! This is the theology he teaches.
Salvation in Heaven is objectively seen on earth for D'costa and others, to postulate these cases as living exceptions to the dogma.Ghosts are exceptions! Vatican Council II (LG 16,LG 8,UR 3, NA 2 etc ) cannot refer to exceptions since these cases would only be known to God.Yet they are exceptions for Gavin D'Costa. There is no denial here from him.
2. Similarly someone who allegedly died centuries back without the baptism of water would not be an explicit exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church today in April 2015.A hypothetical case cannot be a defacto exception today.A theoretical case of the past cannot be objectively seen today.So Gavin D'Costa cannot consider a case of the past as being a defacto case and an exception in the present times.Yet he does.
He has not denied this.So on a video on  the website of the University of Bristol he says, "People are not damned if they are not Catholics" (5:09)
3.Similarly the University of Bristol faculty would not personally know of someone today in April 2015 who would be saved in future, without faith and baptism and so would not need to be a formal member of the Catholic Church.They cannot posit someone living today in Britain as being an exception to Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism).They could not know any one who is an exception to Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, which says outside the Church there is no salvation on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Yet this irrationality is maintained by Gavin D'Costa.He does not deny this.
This is a profesional, academic issue.It is not just an issue of having a different opinion or religious belief.Since last year I have been asking Gavin and the University to do something about this.
It is unprofessional for a professor to claim :-
1) Those who are physically dead and who are now in Heaven are objectively visible to us on earth.
2) Someone who died centuries back under certain conditions are objectively visible to us on earth this month.
3) Someone alive today will die tomorrow without 'faith and baptism' and will go to Heaven.
This is factually incorrect. It is objectively wrong.
He uses this irrational reasoning to reject the traditional Catholic teaching on salvation.He also uses this irrational reasoning to interpret Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades
Gavin D'Costa comes across as professionally unethical.His irrationality would not be accepted by academics in England

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