Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pope Benedict expected the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) to accept Vatican Council II with the theology of Cushingism. This is doctrinal heresy.

Fr John HunwickeSchism ... it's time we got serious

A year or two ago, Cardinal Mueller suggested that, although the excommunication of its bishops had been lifted, the SSPX was still in de facto schism.
Doctrinally even Fr.Hunwicke is in heresy.1

At first, I disliked this idea, because it seemed to nullify the emollient effects of the removal of the excommunications, as intended by Benedict XVI.
Pope Benedict  expected the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX)  to accept Vatican Council II with the theology of Cushingism. This is doctrinal heresy.Can a pope be in apostasy and schism?
But, upon lengthier thought, I came (as I usually do ... honest, no irony here ...) to the conclusion that his Eminence is right.
His Eminence, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, just like Fr.Hunwicke uses an irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of magisterial documents. So they conclude that Vatican Council II is a break with the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
After all, with whatever justification, the SSPX does not have any recognition in Rome or throughout the world-wide churches which are in unflawed communion with the Holy Father.
They have accepted magisterial documents interpreted with irrationality and heresy, which makes them non Traditional.
De facto there is no communicatio in sacris between SSPX clergy and diocesan bishops. To call this a de facto schism, which after all does imply that the Society is not in a de iure schism, and thus is not canonically schismatic, does seem at least arguably to be a useful analytical category.
If the SSPX, like Fr.Hunwicke interprets Vatican Council II , without Cushingism-theology  there would be no schism. They must make a public statement.

I wonder exactly how far heterodox or heteropractic elements in the hierarchy need to go before they themselves can prudently be judged to have entered this interesting new category of de facto schism. I have in mind Cardinal Marx and his like, with their threats "go ahead without waiting for the Synod" et similia.
They have accepted the liberal , irrational theology of the contemporary Magisterium.
How different is this from the SSPX going down its own path without waiting for Rome to "return to the Eternal Rome"?
The SSPX can affirm all magisterial texts including Vatican Council II without Cushingism and then expect Rome to do the same.In this there is hope.

As a jurist by training, perhaps Cardinal Burke could convene and preside over a small de facto committee to issue advisory (and totally de facto) opinions about this question.
He is using the same irrational theology.
-Lionel Andrades
March 25, 2015

The 'mainstream' Church has to begin the reconciliation process with doctrinal truth.They have to admit that there are no exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of the dogma EENS, on March 19,2015


April 12,2015: Divine Mercy Sunday
411.March 21, 1935. Often during Mass, I see the Lord in my soul; I feel His presence which pervades my being I sense His divine gaze; I have long talks with Him without saying a word; I know what His divine Heart desires, and I always do what will please Him the most. I love Him to distraction, and I feel that I am being loved by God.At these times, when I meet with God deep within myself, I feel so happy that I do not know how to express it.Such moments are short for the soul could not bear it for long, as separation from the body would be inevitable.Though these moments are very short, their power, however, which is transmitted to the soul, remains with it for a very long time. Without the least effort, I experience the profound recollection which them envelops me -and it does not diminish even if I talk with people, nor does it interfere with the performance of my duties.I feel the constant presence of God without any effort of my soul. I know that I am united with Him as closely as a drop of water is united to the bottomless ocean.
(pp.182-183. Notebook 1. Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska-Divine Mercy in My Soul ( Marian Press, Stockbridge MA 2011)

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