Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP,CMRI contradict Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

The Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP,CMRI agree with me. There are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They also agree that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made an error in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257 when it states God is not limited to the Sacraments. They also agree that there can be no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the traditional, rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
For Fr.John Zuhlsdorf Vatican Council II contradicts the rigorist interpreation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, since there are known exceptions.
He has also assumed that those who have been martyred allegedly without the baptism of water,in the past are known cases on April 7, 2015. So they become exceptions today  to the teaching on all needing to be formal members of the Church to avoid Hell.Cases from the past become exceptions in the present for him.People from the past are explicit and objective for us in the present times, according to Fr.Z.
The Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP,CMRI are not able to deny what I write on this blog.Since it is common sense. They cannot deny that today (April 7, 2015) there is no known case of someone saved without 'faith and baptism'. There is no one known saved outside the Church this Tuesday. Today there can never be known any one saved without faith and baptism.
For me we human beings cannot see persons in Heaven with the naked eye.We cannot meet them personally today morning,afternoon or night.The Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP and CMRI agree with me.I have been sending them these blog posts.
The Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP,CMRI contradict Fr.John Zuhlsdorf. Fr.Zuhlsdorf is following the error of Cardinal Marchetti which has been approved by the contemporary Magisterium.
-Lionel Andrades

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf repeats Marchetti's error on the baptism of blood
Contemporary Magisterium is in doctrinal error : Rome Vicariate, Ecclesia Dei, SSPX,FSSP,CMRI agree

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