Monday, April 6, 2015

So why would you want to choose the teaching of one person, instead of that which has come from the time of Jesus?.

Comment from Beda Pontifical College Rome: still teaching error 1
We are saved by belief in Jesus, " Whoever believes in me has eternal life," I don't have to believe in anything else the church teaches to be saved.

We cannot separate Jesus from the Church which he founded. It is through the Catholic Church that we have received the Bible, our form of Church worship, the belief in the Trinity and the belief in Jesus.

The Church also teaches that God is love and wants us to be happy with Him for all eternity in Heaven but Hell exists and many people are going there.
St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises asks to meditate on Hell on how there are people there for only one mortal sin. There are people there who loved God but due to sin, God's justice sent them to Hell.
There would be people in Hell, who believed in Jesus but did not follow the will of God as taught in the Catholic Church, the only true Church.
So of what good is it to say 'Lord, Lord...' but then to go to Hell.

We are 'by belief in Jesus' was a personal opinin of Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, along with King Henry VII.Yes belief in Jesus is important for salvation but so also is the Church.
Befeore Martin Luther there was no Protestant Bible or Protestant doctrine.Now there are so many new churches or communities.
So why would you want to choose the teaching of one person, instead of that which has come from the time of Jesus?.
-Lionel Andrades

Mgr Roderick Strange with Jubilarian guests
Beda Pontifical College Rome: still teaching error

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