Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The SSPX must keep rejecting Vatican Council II according to Cushingism.

Why should the SSPX accept Vatican Council II with an irrational premise, inference and conclusion to receive canonical status? No one seems to be answering this question. Even those who say that the SSPX are in schism are keeping silent.
Why should not the SSPX like me accept Vatican Council II in agreement with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Why does the Vatican Curia and Church Militant.com also not do the same?
Why cannot Catholic school children in Detroit accept Vatican Council II in agreement with the strict interpretation of the dogma ?
Members of the St. Francis of Assisi School choir from Ann Arbor sing a selection during a March 19 festival sponsored by the American Federation Pueri Cantores at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.Why cannot they say that Vatican Council II indicates everyone needs to be ' a card carrying ' member of the Church for salvation?
Numerous times I have explained my position on this blog.No one shows me where I am right or wrong.There is no critical report. So I assume that they all agree with my reasoning,though many may not like the conclusion i.e Vatican Council II is Feeneyite.
I affirm Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 in Vatican Council II.It says all need faith and baptism for salvation. While there are no exceptions for me mentioned  in Vatican Council II. This is Feeneyism.This is traditional exclusivist ecclesiology. This says every one needs to be a formal member of the Church ( with faith and baptism) to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. You are either a card carrying member or you are not.For salvation in 2015 every one needs to have his name on the parish register.
So why cannot the SSPX and the CDF  interpret Vatican Council II as I do ?
Why must the SSPX, like cardinals Muller, Koch and Kasper use Cushingism in the interpretation of Vatican Council II ?
 Cushingism says Lumen Gentium 16 ( saved in invincible ignorance) contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Cushingism says LG 16 refers to known cases in the present times saved without the baptism of water. Persons saved in inculpable ignorance are known in the present times.They would have to be known in 2015 to be an exception to the dogma.
They would have to be seen to be exceptions to all needing to be card carrying members of the Catholic Church to be saved.Their names and surnames would have to be known - but, these people are in Heaven.They are known only to God.Invisible cases cannot be exceptions.
The magisterium must not force Catholics to accept this irrationality.
How can invisible persons be exceptions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma ?
This is Cushingism. This is the interpretation of Vatican Council II which the Magisterium wants the SSPX to accept.
This is how the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846,1257 is interpreted.It is irrational, heretical and magisterial.Most Catholics have accepted this error unknowingly.
The SSPX must keep rejecting Vatican Council II according to Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades
Will there be a schism over the Cushingism issue?
Now the error has been identified. Over time people will realize that what Feeney believed in was de fide and it was Cushing and Marchetti who were in heresy

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