Saturday, April 18, 2015

Vatican overlooks LCWR promotion of reincarnation

Pope Francis meets representatives of Leadership Conference of Women Religious at Vatican (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano)

The Vatican has ended the seven year investigation of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and has overlooked Sr.Ilia Delio's teachings on reincarnation.

Her views are acceptable for the Freemasons, International Theosophical Society and the political Left. They have been promoting  re-incarnation through the writings of Teilhard di Chardin.
The public libraries in Rome for example project meditation techniques from the East associated with differenct Eastern religions  while the books within the libraries,criticize the Catholic Church and Catholic doctrines. This is part of the emerging one world religion and new world order which will welcome an anti-Christ. So the LCWR are political comrades.
Pope Benedict XVI approved a conference at the Gregorian University on Teilhard di Chardin inspite of a monitium issued by the Catholic Church.The conference was held it would seem under political pressure from the Left.A cardinal officially participated.
The LCWR sisters do not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nullas salus, they have changed the meaning of the Nicene Creed and interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality and yet they were allowed to receive the Eucharist. They are allowed to go free with heresy and mortal sin because of their political  backing, while the Franciscans Sisters of the Immaculate are still persecuted.Fr.Stefano Manelli , the founder of their  community remains 'under house arrest.'


Sr.Ilia Delio and Leadership Conference of Women Religious promote reincarnation

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