Monday, April 27, 2015

Why should Catholic students in schools be taught all this irrationality and heresy?

There are usually 2 practical extremes that are wrong. Feenyism which says that it is impossible for non-Catholics to be saved, the bad EENS interpretation.
Why is Feeneyism wrong, the text of the dogma says exactly what Fr.Leonard Feeney said.
Why is Feeneyism wrong when Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) says all need faith and baptism for salvation?. This is exactly what Fr.Feeney said.
Why is Cushingism not wrong for you when you do not know any one saved without 'faith and baptism'?
Why is Cushingism not wrong for you when you personally do not know any one saved with the baptism of desire and in inculpable ignorance and without the baptism of water?
Why is the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846,1257) not wrong for you when it suggests there are known exceptions to the traditional and rigorist interpretation of the dogma?
When you personally do not know of any exceptions and no Church document before 1949 ( Mystici Corporis, Council of Trent) mentions any exceptions, did not the 'magisterium' in CCC 846,1257 make a factual mistake ?
Why should Catholic students in schools be taught all this irrationality and heresy?
-Lionel Andrades

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