Saturday, May 30, 2015

Conchiglia of the Holy Trinity and the International Theological Commission

Pope Benedict XVIThe leftist Italian newspaper La Stampa, Vatican Insider  refers to the 'fake messages' of the seer Conciglia of the Holy Trinity.It is as if La Stampa is  having apparitions of their own and so know these messages are false.They could have just reported it objectively without judging the messages.
Jesus tells Conciglia  that what we see today is not His  Church.In some aspects it is not.Of course this still is the Church of Jesus Christ, it still is the Mystical Body of Jesus - but many aspects of the present day church are not part of Jesus' Church. They clearly come from Freemasonary and other enemies of the Church who represent Satan.
Conciglia says

Jesus: Even « the person of the Highest level in the Freemasonry »
is subordinate of the Hebrew Heads that hate Me
and that are effectively in power in the Vatican...
« That part of the Hebrew People » readily forgathered to study and plan
a monstrous « Worldwide Project ». The Hebrew Holocaust...
is a work of the same Hebrew Heads of the same époque and even then
« they have used others » to do the dirty work. Muslims... against Christians...
The « Unnamed » precedes the Antichrist... Is distorting all that I have taught.
PART V - The Most Appalling Reality of Humanity
Yesterday I  commented  on  Limbo according to the document issued by the International Theological Commission, Vatican. ITC  has made a factual and objective error in the Limbo report. I wrote about this a few years back.The blog post  has been there on the Internet since then. Yet nothing has been done or said about it at the Vatican.The Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J  has been directly involved in this error.He was the President of the ITC. Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Di Noia have also been active at the ITC. So they all knew about it. All were  involved.
Rorate Caeili posted my reports as comments and then pulled them down.Rorate reported that a member of the Jewish Reformed community, who teaches ecumenism at the Angelicum University in Rome called in.
The ITC report on Limbo uses  Apparition Theology.So does  the rest of the Church.The error  originated in Boston in 1949. This was about the time of the creation of the state of Israel. Pope Pius XII was silent. He let the error creep into the Church. He did not defend Fr.Leonard Feeney who was faithful to the magisterium of the Church before 1949.
Since then there is a new magisterium. The contemporary magisterium accepts apparition theology. It's influence can be seen in Dominus Iesus and Redemptoris Missio. It is there in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846,1257.How could a magisterium infer that the dead for us, who are now in Heaven, have been saved without the baptism of water, and they are now visible and known to us in the present times, to be exceptions to the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus,which says all need to formally enter the Church ? This is fantasy theology. Yet this is the politically correct irrationality, accepted by the popes, cardinals and bishops at the Vatican- since the time of Pope Pius XII.
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been done with.In reality it does not exist. It has been lost.
At Fatima, Our Lady said that the dogma of the faith will be lost. She could be referring to this important dogma of the Catholic Church.
This is the new Church which Conciglia of the Holy Trinity could be referring to.
My approach to this issue is not through mysticism but theology and doctrine and common sense.I can see that so many things which she mentions are correct.I see this by looking at the issue of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The present theology being used by the magisterium is irrational, non traditional, heretical and not Catholic.It is the new Church. This teaching cannot be part of Jesus' Church.
-Lionel Andrades

Seer Conchiglia of the Holy Trinity meets Pope Benedict

In The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized they used Marchetti theology, an irrational theology'_piu'_sconvolgente_dell'Umanita'_Capi_ebrei_che_Mi_odiano_al_potere_in_Vaticano_L'Innominato_precede_l'Anticristo.pdf

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