Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jesuit theologians were present at the Synod preliminary meeting : ominous

Cardinal Walter Kaspar has said in an interview that if the Church could change its teachings on ecclesiology then why cannot it do so also on giving the Eucharist to married and divorced Catholics.
He means that the whole Church, traditionalists included, have accepted the Marchetti Error, which gave birth to the new theology.It is part of magisterial documents and is mentioned in Vatican Council II.
Feeneyism which was magisterial according to the pre-1949 Church was replaced with Cushingism ( there are known exceptions to the dogma).This is the liberal theology  which is irrational, non traditional and accepted by the contemporary Magisterium, including the two popes.
Pope Francis chaired the May 25-26, 2015  meeting of the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops preliminary meeting.It is preparing for this October’s synod. It was held at the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome, the Jesuit University, where Fr. Francois-Dumortier S.J is the  Rector. He is also one of the theological consultants for the October Synod.

Fr.Francois-Dumortier will suggest ( based on their being alleged salvation outside the Church) that there can be an exception made in our understanding of the Eucharist being given to the divorced and remarriage. Cardinal Walter Kaspar already let out the secret, before the last Synod on the family had begun.
As I mentioned in a previous blog post 1 his understanding is : if we can change extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) why not everything else? If we could get away with it once (1949) with theology why not a second time? So theology will be used to change Church teaching in October 2015.
Even the traditionalists and the conservative Catholics accept that there is salvation outside the Church.So it will be easy this time too for the Jesuit theologians.
Michael Voris and John Henry Weston were there reporting at the last Synod and I think of the many blog posts which I have sent them and they still do not understand what I am saying.Or for some reason they do not want to comment on it.
Similarly the Society of St. Pius X are not going to expose the error since then they will have to admit that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake. So there will be silence also from Chris Ferrara, John Vennari and the SSPX priests in the USA.
The FSSP is now part of the Church, with full canonical status. So they are not going to say that the baptism of desire had nothing to do with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.
They accept the new ecclesiology like Fr.John Zuhlsdorf. Fr.Z has a report on his blog and does not mention this issue. Since he accepts Marchetti's Error like Cardinal Kaspar and Pope Francis. 2
It is not good to be considered a Feeneyite if you want a career n the Catholic Church.
So the Jesuit theologians are expected to use the same irrationality they used in the Boston Case. They will present a theology again based on an irrationality. They will infer that we humans can personally see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water- and they are expected to get away with it again.
-Lionel Andrades


Pope Francis is counting on the Jesuit theologians to work 'the old trick' for the Synod : modus operandi


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