Saturday, May 2, 2015

Vox Cantoris and Tantumblogo are unaware of Apparition Theology

Vox Cantoris did not know that Vatican Council II affirms the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and that Nostra Aetate and Lumen Gentium 16 does not contradict it.David unneccesarily went on the defensive in a dialogue on Facebook with the Vatican News Office.1
He asked if all religions are equal ? This was a good point to begin the dialogue.

I would have followed up by saying that as a Catholic I believe that the Catholic Church teaches in Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell with no exception unless before they die they convert formally ( with faith and baptism ) into the Catholic Church. This would also include the Islamists in Benin.They are all going to Hell (AG 7,LG 14) .

When English responded citing Nostra Aetate, I would have agreed with him saying there are good things in other religions but the religions are false paths to salvation (LG 14,AG 7). We do not know any one in the present times saved  with 'a ray of that Truth'(NA 2).Can't meet anyone this month! So NA 2 does not refer to an objective exception.We humans cannot know of any exception to all needing to convert for salvation in Benin.The pope could not meet someone there saved in invincible ignorance or with that 'ray of the Truth'. So dialogue should be conducted knowing that the Church is the ordinary means of salvation ( Redemptoris Missio 55).

Similarly Lumen Gentium 16 'those who without any fault do not know anything about Christ or his Church...' does not refer to an objective case in the present times. LG 16 is superflous with respect to the extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was interpreted over the centuries.

LG 16 does not contradict AG 7 and LG 14. All need to convert into the Church with 'faith and baptism' to avoid the fires of Hell. ( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441).

Vox Cantoris  asks,' What of “no salvation outside of the Church?”. He does not affirm the Feeneyite version of the dogma according to Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14). Since he probably thinks the Letter of the Holy Office 1949  and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846,1257 are correct. He is not aware that CCC 846,1257 and the Marchetti Letter are heretical and irrational. They are  promting Apparition Theology.This is modernism which Vox Cantoris has accepted and so he gives the Vatican News an easy pass.

Similarly Tantumblogo 2 on the Dallas Blog  comments on the Vox Cantoris blogpost but does not realize that there is heresy in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.Cardinal Ratzinger accepted the Marchetti factual error. In the Catechism there are Cushingite passages which assume that being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire refer to defacto cases, explicit cases known in the present times.
The Magisterium at the Vatican promotes an irrational premise and inference.Then upon this irrationality (apparitions) they base their new theology. The new theology and ecclesiology is accepted by Vox Cantoris and Tantumblogo.So this creates a hermeneutic of discontinuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition in general.They are both using the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism (1992).
They could talk of salvation like the saints did and quote Vatican Council II and the orthodox passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
When someone cites exceptions (CCC 1257,LG 16 etc) show him that he assumes the dead in Heaven are living on earth to be exceptions. This is at the centre of the Vatican's Apparition Theology.3
Tell him that you do not know any one in May 2015 saved outside the Church i.e without faith and baptism (LG 16.AG 7).So in Vatican Council II there are no contradictions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma.This should be part of dialogue.-Lionel Andrades




Apparition theology in Detroit

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