Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cardinal Napier just like me is saying that we cannot meet any exception today to the traditional teaching on salvation

Collegamento permanente dell'immagine integrata
Cardinal Napier just like me is saying that today June 21 we cannot meet any one who is saved without faith and baptism and so - there are no exceptions to Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14).
Cardinal Napier just like me is saying that today June 21, 2015 we cannot meet any one saved outside the Church; saved without being a formal member of the Catholic Church. So there are no exceptions to the traditional and rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Feeneyite version.
Cardinal Napier just like me is saying that today June 21, we cannot see or know any one saved and now in Heaven without the baptism of water. So there are no exceptions to N.1257 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church which says the Church knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water.
Cardinal Napier just like me affirms John 3:5 and Marck 16:16  which say all need the baptism of water and  those who do not believe will be condemned.
So just like me he affirms the traditional teaching on salvation, which is the same before and after Vatican Council II, since we humans cannot know of any exception today, this month or this year.
Like me he is saying that Vatican Council II says all non Catholics, Jews, Muslims etc need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation ( to avoid Hell).Also all Christians need Catholic Faith ( AG 7) which include the Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.Vatican Council II is Feeneyite ( no known exceptions today to EENS) and not Marchetti or Cushingite ( there are visible exceptions today to EENS).
Is this not common sense for a Catholic and which you reader also accept ?
-Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Napier : Vatican Council II


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