Friday, June 5, 2015

Cardinal Robert Sarah and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (MICM), the St.Benedict Centers, in Worcester and Manchester USA  could inform  Cardinal Robert Sarah, that A and A+ are not exceptions to B
So they can accept a Vatican Council II which does not contradict the strict intepretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Feeneyite version.This is a win-win situation(they don't presently)
While they reject the Vatican Curia's intepretation of Vatican Council II, in which A is an exception to B   as being an irrational intepretation, the MICM presently interpret ALSO interprets A as being in conflict with B.It is the same as the  Vatican Curia. 
The Curia accepts Vatican Council II as a break with  B and Tradition while the MICM do not accept Vatican Council II when it is a break with B.Though the MICM's ecclesiology considers A as a break with B they do not accept Vatican Council II here.
This is the common problem with traditionalists.
However for the Curia and the traditionalists A is a break with B in Vatican Council II.
The MICM are affirming Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 and Fr.Leonard Feeney. So they attend/offer the Traditional Latin Mass knowing that that the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church has not changed over the years, for them.They do not accept a Vatican Council II which is a break with B.
They now have a new choice . 
They can affirm  A+ and B and so ecclesiology is still traditional. Pre- Vatican Council II and post Vatican Council II ecclesiology will be traditional, in harmony.
A and A+ are not exceptions to B.
This rational interpretation of Vatican Council II is also available for the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) and the sedevacantists.It would be in accord with the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 which said there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Theologically and doctrinally the MICM  would be traditional and they do not reject Vatican Council II.Since Vatican Council II would not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
While Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14, on all needing faith and baptism for salvation, supports an ecumenism of return.All need Catholic Faith (AG 7).All  non Christians need to  convert with 'faith and baptism' for salvation.
The MICM would accept the first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 as supporting the dogma and re-interpret the second part as not contradicting the first part, since there are no known cases of A in the present times.Cardinal Marchetti assumed  A contradicted B.
With the new option, the MICM could interpret CCC 845,846,1257 as supporting the dogma  according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. They would interpret the liberal theology in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as referring to hypothetical cases.They refer to hypothetical cases. So they would not be exceptions to the orthodox passages  CCC 845,846,1257 in the Catechism, A would not contradict B.
Similarly magisterial documents like Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus would be accepted as  not contradicting  the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There is no text in these Church documents to contradict the rigorist interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
They would be aware of magisterial documents including Vatican Council II being interpreted with an irrational premise and inference by many people. This they would avoid. This error exists in two papers of the International Theological Commission, in which A is considered an exception to B.
Cardinal Robert Sarah's advice can be sought on this . He could help by saying A does not conflict with B since it refers to invisible cases for us human beings.
Whatever be his views on Fr.Leonard  Feeney A does not contradict B and so there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II, to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which Pope Pius XII called ' an infallible teaching'(Letter of the Holy Office 1949).
-Lionel Andrades

FFI priests ask Cardinal Robert Sarah if A is in conflict with B for him

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