Thursday, June 4, 2015

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have to continue to suffer because of the liturgy becoming ideological

I have sent these blogs posts 1 to Cardinal Robert Sarah via Twitter and I really hope he can do something about it. The Franciscan Friars of Immaculate(FFI) are still prevented from offering the Traditional Latin Mass.Though this Mass is available for the Sisters of the Immaculate and is offered by the Secretary General  of the FFI.He has been given permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass - but not the Franciscans of the Friars of the Immaculate.Why? He says in an interview that he too does not know the reason why only  he is allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.
The FFI like the SSPX say they reject Feeneyism and accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 as magisterial.Even though they accept the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as exceptions to the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), they affirm the old ecclesiology , like the SSPX say they reject Feeneyism and accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. They still affirm the old ecclesiology.

So the FFI and SSPX's position on Judaism , is not accepted by the Zionists, Masons, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and  the liberal rabbis in Italy. The Jewish Left has criticized the Vatican, from a position of military and political strength.The Vatican has rejected the dogma.
Pope Francis does not want to be considered Anti Semitic  and so has maintained the ban on the FFI until they change their ecclesiology like the obedient FSSP, Institute of Christ the King, Opus Dei etc.
Cardinal Sarah will permit the FFI to offer the Traditional Latin Mass if in public they are not crypto Lefebvrists i.e they must not hold the ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston, hated by the Jewish left, who are enforcing pro- Satan laws  world wide.
 So Cardinal Sarah is not going to  rock the boat in tilt. He will maintain the present ideological position saying (A) those who  who are saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16, a ray of the Truth (NA 2),imperfect communion with the Church (NA) elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8), seeds of the Word (AG 11)  and good and holy things in other religions (NA ) are :
1) Visible and known to us in the present times.
2) They are saved without the baptism of water ( as if he would know of such a case)  and so they are exceptions to (B) the rigorist intepretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , the Feeneyite version.
How can A be an exception B ? This is irrational He does not know any one alive today saved as such (A). These cases would be in Heaven if they existed.
 Yet this has to be accepted by any priest who wants to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.This is the irrational condition for offering Holy Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass.This is the condition set by Pope Francis and accepted by Cardinal Sarah.
 The liberal theology for this error has been prepared well by Cardinal Ratzinger.
1.The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican  Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S. J (2001) says the good things in the other religions are a preparation for receiving the Gospel Fine. But we have to be careful to note that these persons are not known to us.Otherwise we accept apparition theology.These are theoretical cases. They are not defacto known cases who will be saved this year without the baptism of water.So they are not exceptions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma, the traditional intepretation.
2. All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church (CCC 846).Fine. So they cannot be explicit exceptions to the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
 3. God is not limited to the Sacraments. This statement contradicts the dogma.This is apparition theology. Since if there is a case of someone saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, in the present times, Pope Benedict would not  know of him or her. So this is speculation. 
These three points are accepted by Cardinal Sarah who I assume accepts liberal theology , the apparition theology of Cardinal Ratzinger.
 This new theology emerged with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which Cardinal Sarah also accepts.
 If Cardinal Sarah rejected apparition theology and affirmed Feeneyism, then A  would not contradict B.There would be nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the old ecclesiology.This would then become ideological.It  would not be accepted by Pope Francis and the Jewish Left. The liberal rabbis would again become intolerant with the Catholic Church, as during the opposition to the Good  Friday  Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews. 
So the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have to continue to suffer because  the liturgy is made ideological.
-Lionel Andrades

Liturgy has been made subservient to political necessity.This heretical theology and doctrine ,this development, is necessary today to offer Holy Mass

If you speak to Cardinal Robert Sarah he will say that he rejects Feeneyism. So he interprets Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism.

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