Tuesday, June 2, 2015

No denial from Robert Spencer

There is no denial from Robert Spencer . He assumed that (A) being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire  were exceptions to (B) the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Feeneyite version.This was his understanding of Vatican Council II when he wrote a book with Daniel Ali. So my guess initially was correct.
His theology and interpretation of Vatican Council II, as a Catholic was irrational.
Since A were exceptions to B for  him , it means A refers  to explicit cases in the present times. It refers to defacto, known cases who are exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church to be saved from Hell-otherwise how could they be exceptions ?.Spencer is irrational since these persons (A) would be in Heaven and would be unknown to us human beings.
'Zero cases of something cannot be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus' says the apologist and biblical scholar John Martignoni.
For Robert Spencer A does not refer to zero cases. If they referred to zero cases they would not be relevant to the dogma.They would not be exceptions.Since there are exceptions for Robert Spencer there are no zero cases.
For me A is not in conflict with B.This is  how it was before 1949. So for me  there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the rigorist, traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation. The Church still teaches, in the text of Vatican Council II, that all Muslims and other non Catholics need to formally convert into the Church with 'faith and baptism' to avoid Hell and go to Heaven. It is Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) which is saying that all Muslims and Jews need to be card carrying members of the Church for salvation.It is not just the popes and saints of the past. It is Vatican Council II which indicates that all people alive today in 2015, need to get their names on the parish baptism register, to go to Heaven.There are no exceptions and cannot be any known exception in the present times.
I have written this not to criticize Robert Spencer but so that he takes note of this and in his future book on apologetics for Catholics, with reference to Islam, mentions these concepts.He needs to tell Muslims that they are all going to Hell with no known exception in the present times, and that this is the official teaching of the Catholic Church, not according to the contemporary magisterium, but according to magisterial texts, Church documents, which are part of the Deposit of the Faith.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church also according to common sense and with no claims of being able to see apparitions.
-Lionel Andrades

Without the irrationality, pre-Vatican Council II and post Vatican Council II teachings on Islam have not changed

Robert Spencer's answer to these two questions will indicate if he using the Marchetti error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II


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