Sunday, June 14, 2015

Priest who travels with visionary at Medugorje for 14 years praises him

from the Eponymous Flower:

  1. I spent a week at the home of one of the visionaries in Medjugorje. you have no idea how they live do not be so judgmental, most priests live more comfortably than they do. Medjugorje is a holy place of grace.
  2. I have spent many weeks over the last fourteen years traveling with Ivan. He is an inspiration; a man committed to Our Lady's Motherly work. To the detractors and slanderers, please do not make premature judgement on the alleged visionaries. In effect you are putting yourself up as 'more Catholic than the Pope'. Peace and Blessings, Fr Andrew Grace, New South Wales, Australia.


How do you know that it is a 'circus atmosphere'? Have you ever been there?(Medugorje) Here is a list of masses and devotions at Saint James parish 

The daily evening program in the church takes place from 6 to 9 pm (6 pm: Rosary, 7 pm: Holy Mass, blessing of religious articles and the glorious mysteries of the Rosary). 

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held Wednesday and Saturday from 10 to 11 pm and on Thursday immediately after evening mass. 

Adoration and Veneration of the Cross take place in the church every Friday immediately after evening mass. 

During the win­ter season, the prayer program starts one hour earlier.

Every Sunday at 4 pm, a Rosary for Peace is prayed on Appari­tion Hill and every Friday at 4 pm the Way of the Cross is prayed on Cross Mountain (during winter at 2pm respectively).

The sacrament of reconciliation in various languages is avail­able every day when the evening program starts and at previ­ously arranged times.

Mass in Croatian is celebrated Sunday and holy days of obliga­tion at 8 am, 11 am and 7 pm (winter: 6 pm); on weekdays at 7:30 am and 7 pm (winter: 6 pm). 

On Saturday, Mass for Croatian pilgrims takes place at 1 pm in both winter and summer.

Holy Masses in English take place from Monday to Saturday at 10:00 am, and on Sunday & holy days of obligation at noon.

Does that seem like a 'circus' to you? You may be offending Our Lord....Have you ever been to a World Youth Day? When big groups of Catholics gather together it may seem like a circus to you, but the Holy Spirit is giving graces. Some of the caustic comments on this website detract from any of the good the website maker is trying to accomplish.

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