Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An exception must exist and it can only exist in the present time, since we are in the present time

For something to be an exception it has to be there.It can only be there or not there in the present moment. Now.
For someone to be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) he has to be there.He has to exist . He can only be there in the present time, now, today.
If someone will exist in the future he cannot be an exception today. If somone was there in the past he or she cannot be an exception today.
An exception must exist and it can only exist in the present time, since we are in the present time.
Similarly there cannot be an extraordinary way of salvation since it would be outside our time and space.We  would not know about it. The ordinary means of salvation  is 'faith and baptism' if there is an extraordinary way only God can know about it.Since humanly we cannot see or know someone saved without 'faith and baptism'. They would be in Heaven.
So if St.Emerentiana was saved  without the baptism of water(BOW), how would any one on earth know about it.Who amongst us can know of salvation 'outside' the Church? How could cardinal Marchetti and Cushing humanly know of salvation outside the Church? They could not!
Could Pope Pius XII recognise an extraordinary means of salvation outside the Church and so Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong? How could he? This would not be known to him.
So Cardinal Ottaviani made a mistake when he wanted Fr.Leonard Feeney to say that baptism of desire (BOD) and baptism of blood(BOB) were exceptions to the dogma? For BOD and BOB to be an exception to the dogma they have to be known today, now.
A BOD or BOB of the past or future cannot be an exception in the present time.
-Lionel Andrades

But you haven't seen anyone today 6/30/15, have you?

We know of St E. If it happened EVEN ONCE the absolute necessity of water baptism is disproven

One showing of BOB is all that's necessay to show them wrong !!

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St.Emmerentiana was saved centuries back with BOD. How can she be cited as an exception to all needing to convert today.

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If they were saved with or without the baptism of water they are irrelevant to the dogma EENS.

It's not an exception bc it's an extraordinary application of EENS. "Knowing cases" of such has nothing to do with it

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