Thursday, July 23, 2015

Encyclopedia for kids has leftist propaganda on Fr.Leonard Feeney

An encylopedia for kids continues the leftist propaganda on Fr.Leonard Feeney while the Church and the traditionalists are silent.

It says.
Father Leonard Feeney (1897-1978) was an American Jesuit priest who insisted on a rigorous interpretation of the Catholic doctrine extra ecclesiam nulla salus,
This was the dogmatic teaching for centuries. We do not personally know of any exception today. Neither does any magisterial document before 1949 claim there are exceptions. The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was a break with the past.
 or "outside the church there is no salvation", arguing that all non-Catholics go to Hell.
This was the dogmatic teaching.
There are no known exceptions. Being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire cannot be exceptions
-Lionel Andrades


Leonard Feeney

Redirected from Father Leonard Feeney
This is a stub. Father Leonard Feeney (1897-1978) was an American Jesuit priest who insisted on a rigorous interpretation of the Catholic doctrine extra ecclesiam nulla salus, or "outside the church there is no salvation", arguing that all non-Catholics go to Hell. He was officially excommunicated in 1953 by Pope Pius XII for refusing to submit to ecclesiastical authority, but his supporters still claim that the excommunication was invalid.

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