Monday, July 6, 2015

No conditions placed for the SSPX's entry into the Church: except, avoid the old ecclesiology

For Pope Francis dogmas and doctrines  are not important said the former president of Italy in a meeting with the pope. There was no denial from the Vatican Press Office.
Dogmas and doctrine are not important for Pope Francis but it is important for him that no one follows the old ecclesiology.So the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) are welcomed into the Church by him, with no questions asked, except for the question, 'Do you agree not to follow the old ecclesiology?'. 
The SSPX would answer 'yes' since Archbishop Marcel Lefebre rejected  the old model of the Church, when he embraced innocently , Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani's objective mistake in 1949. It was the birth of the new ecclesiology, the new theology which the SSPX teaches in its seminaries .So the SSPX is ready to come into the Church with the new ecclesiology.
Even Bishop Richard Williamson and the SSPX Resistance  are in a position to enter the Church, since they are using Marchetti's ecclesiology, which Pope Francis and Pope Benedict  approve.

Risultati immagini per Photo of Prof. Thomas Pink
Risultati immagini per Photo of Dr.John Lamont
Risultati immagini per Photo of Professor Thomas PinkRisultati immagini per Photo of Professor Thomas Pink
This is the ecclesiology of the Latin Mass Society.It is taught in theology by Joseph Shaw,  at Oxford University.He is the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales.
John Lamont and Thomas Pink, also professors of theology, teach this new model in ecclesiology, which  is a condition for the SSPX entry and is acceptable to the liberals.It is also a condition for Pink,Lamont and Shaw being given the mandatum by their  bishop to teach theology.
The SSPX priests  will be welcomed into the Catholic Church with full canonical status as long as they do not teach the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology model, which was common in the Church before the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
The sedevacantists too, theologically, are in a position to enter  Pope Francis'  ideological  Church, since they accept Pope Pius XII. They reject  the popes that followed. This includes Pope Francis. So they do not want to enter the Church with canonical status.Ecclesiology-wise they are eligible.
If Pope Francis lowers the bar and says the old exclusivist ecclesiocentric model of the Church is no more 'triumphalism' for him, then it would be an invitation for some of the sedevacantists. It would however be repulsive for the liberals and the Masons, the one world religion people.

 Last year I mentioned that Fr.Pier Paolo Petrucci, the SSPX District Superior was using the new ecclesiology based on Marchetti's error.The SSPX Italy are now ready to enter the Catholic Church with the new ecclesiology and with full canonical status.

-Lionel Andrades

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