Monday, July 13, 2015

On ecumenism, other religions, religious liberty, proclaiming the Good News and evangelisation is B an exception to A for you ? It is not for me

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Sedevacantists and traditionalists should check the websites they follow and ask  where is B an exception to A.They will find many examples of this irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, I said in the last blog post. Since they interpret ecumenism, inter religious dialogue, religious liberty and  proclamation  of the Good News and evangelisation irrationally. For them B is an exception to A.

If B was not an exception to A, then they would be proclaiming the Good News like the saints and popes over the centuries.
The saints taught that most people are on the way to Hell. Vatican Council II says the same thing in Ad Gentes 7 (A)
A says all need faith and baptism for salvation. The passage B, when it is not an exception to A, makes Ad Gentes 7 Feeneyite! It is in agreement with the traditional, strict interpretation of the dogma on salvation.We then have the Good News which is traditional. B is not an exception to A.This is how I interpret Vatican Council II. Every one needs to believe in Jesus in the Catholic Church, as Catholics, to be saved from Hell. Jesus Died and is Risen for all. For all to receive this salvation, they need to enter the Catholic Church and live the Gospel according to the teachings of the only Church Jesus founded and which is His Mystical Body.

So in  evangelisation I would  say Ad Gentes 7 says all need to believe in Jesus with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation ( to avoid Hell). Most people are on the way to Hell, since they are not formal members of the Catholic Church (AG 7). Most people die without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7). This is Vatican Council II. B is not an exception to A.So it is important to evangelise, to proclaim the Gospel knowing most people are on the way to Hell in the present times.

Since B is not an exception to A for me, members of the other religions are on the way to Hell, since they do not have 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).B refers to invisible cases in 2015. So they are not exceptions to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, on non Catholics needing to convert into the Church to go to Heaven.

In a secular state non Catholics are free to follow their religion. They were free also during the time of the papal states.But morally I would say that all need to convert into the Catholic Church, since there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.B is not an exception to A.So non Catholics need to convert into the only true religion, to avoid the fires of Hell. Also all political legislation must have, as its scope and goal, the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Church in which God wants all people to be united (CCC 845), the only Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood (CCC 845).
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So how you would interpret the A and B passages in Vatican Council II determines your position on ecumenism, other religions, religious liberty, proclaiming the Good News and evangelisation. It determines your position on Catholic doctrine.It determines if you are a liberal or a traditional Catholic, a heretic or believer.
-Lionel Andrades

For you proclaiming the Good News would be with B as an exception to A ?

Sedevacantists and traditionalists should check the websites they follow and ask where is B an exception to A

In Ecumenism B is not an exception to A. UR 3 does not contradict AG 7

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