Monday, July 6, 2015

Poor Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP

Poor Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP, the Rector of the FSSP church in Rome (Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini).He is not allowed to proclaim the old ecclesiology in line with Vatican Council II, while the Vatican is making a big thing about promoting the 'old rite'.
The Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Arthur Roche does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, I know this since the time he was the bishop of Leeds, England.
 He also interprets Vatican Council II, like the other English bishops.It is with the virus from the pontificate of Pope Pius XII, which has spread in the Church.
The Prefect of this Congregation for the Liturgy, Cardinal Robert Sarah has not denied on Twitter and this blog, that he expects all priests to offer Mass by rejecting the old ecclesiology. This is the condition for offering the Novus Ordo and Traditional Latin Mass.
Fr.Joseph Kramer is not allowed to proclaim the Feeneyite version of the dogma, in harmony with Vatican Council II.Instead he has to interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus  according to cardinals Marchetti and Cushing.It cannot be in harmony with  tradition or Vatican Council II. Fr.Kramer is obligated to use the hermeneutic of discontinuity.
-Lionel Andrades

Fr.Joseph Kramer and the FSSP priests in Rome agree with me : he has to say there are exceptions to the dogma, he has to use an irrational premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II

Priestly Fraternity of St.Peter (FSSP) has changed Church teachings on family catechesis, religious education, salvation, mortal sin, ecclesiology...

The FSSP priests are not teaching the truths of the Catholic Faith for political reasons. They are teaching a lie.So what do we do ? We do not discuss it since they are priests? 

So when you hear an FSSP/SSPX priest talk about St.Emerentiana remember it is a lot of nonsense. He does want to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II ( premise-free) in public  
No denial from FSSP 

FSSP priests in Rome not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus without three irrational points: no denial from religious community

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