Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sedevacantists, traditionalists unanimous : no exception to EENS exists in the present times

No one in the sedevacantist community knew of a single exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus yesterday June 30,2015 in the present times.Not a single one of them. They all agree with me here.
They all agreed yesterday while discussing this issue on Twitter that there  was not a single known exception of someone who has gone to Heaven or is going to Heaven without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water in the  present times.So there was no present day exception to the dogma EENS.
Sedevacantists, traditionalists and liberal Catholics  are in agreement here.No one could name an example yesterday, this  month, this year  or during their lifetime. 
We have a consensus here.There are no known tangible, visible in the flesh  exceptions in the present times to the Feeneyite, traditional version of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

An exception must exist and it can only exist in the present time, since we are in the present time

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