Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Syria: Assad orders release of “revised” Qur’an to stop “distortion”


Bashar Assad Quran
It would be very interesting to see how exactly Assad’s Qur’an is revised, but this article contains no specific information. If it changes any of the wording, it is unlikely to be accepted by any Muslims, in part because Assad is himself not an orthodox Muslim but an Alawite, and primarily because Muslims consider the Qur’an the perfect, eternal and inviolable word of Allah. And because they believe that, if this edition changes any of the words of the Qur’an, Sunnis and Shi’ites alike will probably view it as an insult to Islam, and call for Assad’s removal and murder solely for the crime of sponsoring and endorsing it.
If, on the other hand, it changes none of the words, but only challenges established interpretations, it may make some headway among Assad’s loyalists, but is unlikely to move received and established opinion among the vast majority of Muslims.
“Syrian President Bashar al-Assad updates Koran to stop ‘distortion’ or ‘misleading’ information,” by Rose Troup Buchanan, Independent, July 17, 2015:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ordered the release of a new “revised” version of the Koran in order to correct “distortion” and “misleading” lessons, state television reports.
The president, currently conducting a brutal campaign against his own citizens in a vicious civil conflict, authorised the publication of the “new standard version” of the Islamic holy book.
He announced the change on television with Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed, the Minister of religious endowments (Awqaf), and members of the Ministry’s Permanent Committee for the Holy Koran Affairs on Monday.
Official state reports indicate the new version will contain simplified letters standardised by official “accredited standards” set by Koranic scholars.
“We truly need such acts at this critical stage of distortion and misleading,” the President told state media.
The new version will be printed and distributed throughout the now-fractured state….

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