Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Bible mentions Hell some 18 times. Jesus repeatedly tells us about Hell. How would Balthasar or any one else know otherwise ?

Fr. Robert  Barron writes:

If there are any human beings in hell, they are there because they absolutely insist on it. The conditional clause with which the last sentence began honors the church’s conviction that, though we must accept the possibility of hell (due to the play between divine love and human freedom), we are not committed doctrinally to saying that anyone is actually “in” such a place.

So accept for the saints we are not committed doctrinally to say that anyone is actually 'in ' Heaven.

 We can’t see fully to the depths of anyone’s heart; only God can. 
Neither can we see fully to the depths of anyone's heart to say he is going to Heaven. However the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  indicates most people are on the way to Hell since they are not formal members of the Catholic Church. Vatican Council II has the same message in Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14.

Accordingly, we can’t declare with utter certitude that anyone—even Judas, even Hitler—has chosen definitively to lock the door against the divine love.
Neither can Fr.Barron infer that they are in Heaven.

 Indeed, the liturgy compels us to pray for all of the dead, and since the law of prayer is the law of belief, we must hold out at least the hope that all people will be saved.
How can you hold such a belief which contradicts even the Bible. Jesus has said enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide which leads to Hell and most people take it.

 Furthermore, since Christ went to the very limits of godforsakenness in order to establish solidarity even with those who are furthest from grace, we may, as Hans Urs von Balthasar insisted, reasonably hope that all will find salvation…
The Bible mentions Hell some 18 times. Jesus repeatedly tells us about Hell. How would Balthasar or any one else know otherwise ?
-Lionel Andrades


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