Friday, July 17, 2015

There is an occult factor in TM and it is being promoted here

Why is the Left, which is otherwise promoting things Satanic, also advocating eastern forms of meditation ? Why are the municipal libraries and secular public instituitions encouraging yoga and Buddhist  techniques of meditation? This is the occult.
I have experience with this. I know these techniques open consciousness to all forms of entities.I was a teacher of Transcendental Meditation (TM) of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi which I gave  up after two pilgrimages to Medugorje in 1994 and 1995.
The same people who officially support abortion, homosexuality, and Islam- encourage meditation from the East.TM, Reiki, yoga...See the connection.The Enemy has been brought into the house. The Enemy is attempting something dangerous.
There are books critical of Christianity in the public libraries of Rome, which are propaganda centres for the international political Left. Here there will not be a critique of Islam in any book. Nor even one with a rational discussion.
This would be understandable at one of the municipal libraries ( Biblioteche di Roma) where the director is a Muslim near the Metro Battistini( there are three municipal pro- Left libraries in that area) and most of the employees are Muslims.So such a book would not be tolerated.However the books criticizing the Catholic Church and its teachings would be allowed according to Leftist policy.
There are many young Muslims who use these libraries.Sometime back the daily newspaper Il Messaggero  did a report on an elementary school in Rome for Muslims which had a book for Muslim children saying  all Jews and  Christians are on the way to Hell.The report in that newspaper was removed. The pages were torn out.  Some one did not want it there.
The Left supports Islam. It's like the English  Muslim judge who gave a court decision  against a Christian for being critical  of Islam. The  secular Leftist laws permit it. While  the laws do not criticize the texts in the Quran, followed by that judge, which are critical of Jews  and Christians by name.This is not considered hate by the Left. 
At a few places, public institutions in Rome, you would have to be a Muslim to be employed. Since the majority of employees are Muslims.
The same Leftists, who promote the occult and a religion which opposes Christianity, have  infiltrated the Church and now openly Church dogmas and doctrine are criticized. This is done regularly in the Leftist  main line newspaper and TV in Italy.
Oh! The Traditional Latin Mass. How they hate it in the newspapers.
There must be something good about it. Satan would know.
-Lionel Andrades

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