Friday, July 3, 2015

When Bishop Schneider says a Syllabus of Errors on VC2 is needed it is presumed that he knows the cause of the all the confusion in VC2

Comments from We do not know of a BOB and BOD exception in the present times. Here we can all agree since it is common knowledge
The Cardinals and Bishops like IAAD and the St.Benedict Center are assuming hypothetical cases are defacto exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the present times.For them LG 16 is an exception to EENS. This is a mistake being made by the SSPX, Bishop Athansius Schneider, the sedevacantists CMRI and MHFM and the Vatican Curia including the popes.
It is with this error that Vatican Council II contradicts the original Syllabus of Errors of Pope Piux IX.
So if we identify and correct this error things will fall into place.
So many times I have asked Brother Andre Marie MICM if LG 16 is an exception to EENS according to Fr. Leonard Feeney. He will not answer. I asked him two questions he discussed it with the others but did not send me the answer even after I reminded him about it.May be there is some problem there. I am not forcing him.
I have quoted Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, Fr. S. Visintin, Dean of Theology at the Benedictine St. Anslem's University in Rome and John Martignoni the American apologist saying there are no known exception to EENS in the present times.There is no comment from the MICM centers.
When Bishop Schneider says a Syllabus of Errors on VC2 is needed it is presumed that he knows the cause of the all the confusion in VC2.He does not! He too is using liberal theology with the Marchetti error as Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Kaspar.
-Lionel Andrades

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