Sunday, August 9, 2015

A young Italian couple says that if they had not come to Medugorje certainly they would not be married and certainly they would not be missionaries in Africa today

 A young Italian couple say that if they had not come to Medugorje certainly they would not be married and certainly they would not be missionaries in Africa today.

He took Martha  to the Hill of Appparitions and asked her to marry him! 
They open the doors of their mission to the youth, the married people and all those who would like to come to Africa.
Giorgio was moved by Medugorje and invited Martha who was a sceptic.
When she came to Medugorje during Eucharistic Adoration she noticed all were praying with an intensity and singing the hymn Emmanuel.
She did not know why- but she started to cry.Until today she cries when she hears that song.
She decided to follow Our Lady's intentions for her.She feels their lives are led by Our Lady.
They said Yes to a project offered to them by a friend with the Franciscan community in Africa.
She was afraid to leave her family and friends and work that she loved a lot but with the grace of God they said YES and went to Africa.
They have called for our prayers for them.


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