Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Apparition to Marija transmitted via internet tv


AUGUST 10, 2015

Apparition to Marija transmitted via internet tv

The CDF’s attempts this past year to restrict prayer meetings and gatherings around the world that promote the Medjugorje phenomenon does not, it seems, apply to Medjugorje itself. 

The recent gathering of young people from around the world for the 26th International Youth Festival at Medjugorje saw visionaries, Ivan, Marija, Jakov and Mirjana all testify to the tens of thousands of young pilgrims attending the six-day event. 

This evening MaryTV transmitted a live-stream of Our Lady’s apparition to the visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti from Medjugorje. 

It is unusual for this particular visionary to allow her daily apparition to be televised in this way from Medjugorje and shown worldwide via the internet. 

Televised transmission of the apparitions to Marija happen occasionally but usually only at public prayer gatherings outside of Medjugorje when thousands of people are present. 

Last month restrictions were placed on local organisers who had arranged a Medjugorje prayer day at Padua with the visionary Marija. She said in a brief address to the people who had come to pray: “The curia of Padua has warned the organisers not to let me pray with you. I decided to meet you anyway. I'm not one who hallucinates, I am a quiet person. I will not disobey the Church, but I think that prayer does not hurt. My journey continues, I return to Medjugorje. I cannot pray with you, I cannot bear my testimony, but no one can stop me from praying in my heart.” 

Below is the MaryTV recording of this evening’s prayer gathering and the time of apparition. 

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