Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Christopher Mwashinga and I are reading the same text of Vatican Council II. He uses the premise and inference and I do not.

  1. dear Mr Lionel, the Church's teachings, doctrines & practices can't change ... Jesus is the same now, then & forever

  2. They have changed it in the article by Christopher Mwashinga which I sent you.This is taught in religion class in Catholic schools

  3. They can be changed if you use an irrational premise.Christopher Mwashinga projects hypothetical cases as being objective..

  4. Then Christopher infers that these hypothtical cases which are objective are exceptions to EENS.

  5. Christopher Mwashinga and I are reading the same text of Vatican Council II. He uses the premise and inference and I do not.

  6. You and I are reading the same text of VC2 but for you LG 16 is explicit and for me it is known only to God.

  7. So for you and Fr.Cekada and Bp. Sanborn LG 16 would be an exception to traditional EENS. Same VC2 text but...

  8. The Catholic school children and I read the same text of VC2. They use the I can see the dead premise. I do not .
  9. -Lionel Andrades

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