Thursday, August 27, 2015

Franciscans of the Immaculate Lay Association now has the resources to get its message across and affect a reconciliation

They have built a new church in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, Boccea, Rome, it belongs to the diocese and will be managed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate under the Commissar Fr.Sabino Ardito SDB. Mass in Italian only is available for parishioners unlike before when also the Traditional Latin Mass was offered.
I like the new church.On Thursday the parish has a day of Eucharistic Adoration ( 8 a.m to 11 p.m).Lay parishioners  living in Casalotti take turns by the hour.
The old church has been closed for the present, the altars have been removed and I am told it belongs to the Franciscans of the Immaculate lay Association, the trustees of the the community property.The old seminary building alongside the Church, which Pope Francis closed down, also belongs to the Association.
Immagine correlataThe Rector of the seminary at that time and parish priest was Fr.Settimo Manelli F.I, the nephew of Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I the founder of the community.
Among some 30 Friars living at Santa Maria di Nazareth,there are two seminarians studying at the Anthonianum University.The other seminarians are housed at Tiburtina, Roma, in a different community's premises, where the seminarians have to share rooms, unlike in other seminaries.
What will happen to the old seminary building at Santa Maria di Nazareth when the Association takes over the premises and the Friars have to vacate?
 Who will the Association allow to live in the seminary premise ? Who will  use the old church?
If they give the church to a religious community they will need the permission of the diocesan bishop.
Immagine correlataWill they given the seminary building  to a religious community which only offers the Traditional Latin Mass ?
The Association lay members may attend the Traditional Latin Mass but their ecclesiology is not traditional.They interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, a dogma which is not mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1995).
For the members of the lay Association,LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc refer to explicit instead of implicit cases. They are visible instead of invisible.With this irrationality there is a break with the past.
They attend the Traditional Latin Mass but their ecclesiology is a negation fo the rigorist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So it is the same ecclesiology of  Pope Francis and Fr.Sabino Ardito and the diocesan priests who offer Holy Mass in Italian.
So if the lay Association gives the property to a religious community to use, it would be more of the same.Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I, Roberto dei Mattei, the Rorate Ceili group, apologist Corrado Gnerre and the traditionalists at Albano are all using the baptism-of-desire-refers-to-visible-cases ecclesiology.
So there is no alternative.
 The Association needs to settle the doctrinal issue which is the basis for the rift with the Commissar.
 Pope Francis has to be shown that he is using an irrational premise( people in Heaven are visible on earth saved with BOD etc and without the baptism of water) and inference ( these cases are explicit exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church, they are exceptions to EENS).Upon this factual error is based the New Theology, the new ecclesiology.
Once the pope understands the mistake hopefully he will make it known.Catholics need to realize that rationally there can only be the old ecclesiology.It is the only rational ecclesiology.
So he cannot expect the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, to give up the old ecclesiology, by using an irrational premise and inference.
The lay Association now has the resources to get this message across and affect a reconciliation.
-Lionel Andrades

July 31, 2014     Comitato dell'Immacolata ask for a clarification

Until Fr.Ardito resolves this explicit-implicit confusion, which is the basis of the new ecclesiology, the FFI priests , can ask to offer only the TLM with the old ecclesiology

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