Thursday, August 13, 2015

UK: Muslim teenager arrested twice in two months for alleged terror offenses


Officers handcuff and detain man on suspicion of selling forged tickets for FA Cup Final in Cardiff City Centre South Wales UK
True to form for the mainstream media, no information is given about who these people are or what kind of terrorism they were trying to perpetrate. Imagine a newspaper on December 8, 1941 running a story saying that random men in airplanes had attacked Pearl Harbor, and that police were searching for a motive. It’s absurd, but that’s how virtually every mainstream media story about the global jihad reads. And so while it is not certain that this multiply arrested young man is an Islamic jihadist, it is extremely likely, for if he were an IRA member or some such non-Muslim terrorist, the Independent and the authorities would not be so reticent.

Anyway, what about this young man? What will he do when he is released? What is being done to disabuse him of his jihadist sentiments? Why, nothing, of course. Any such action would be “Islamophobic.”
“Teenager in east London arrested twice in two months for alleged terror offences,” by Lizzie Dearden, Independent, August 12, 2015:
Three teenage girls are among five members of the same family who have been arrested on terrorism allegations in London.
Police from Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism unit raided their home in the east of the capital on Wednesday.
A 51-year-old man, 53-year-old woman and three teenagers aged 16, 17 and 19 were arrested on suspicion of “possessing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism”.
They remain in custody at a police station in central London.
The man was also detained on suspicion of having fake identity documents with “improper intention”.
A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said the same 16-year-old girl had been arrested last month for allegedly preparing for acts of terrorism.
She was already on bail while further inquiries were made and her relatives’ arrests were part of the same investigation.
Police said they could not confirm whether the case was linked to Isis, which calls itself the Islamic State, or what the intended acts of terrorism were.

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