Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Church Militant TV has missed the point.The doctrinal issue has still not been touched by Pope Francis

A Step Towards Full Communion?

by Peter O'Dwyer  •   September 1, 2015   
Pope Francis has taken a huge leap in helping to bring the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) back into full communion with the Church. In a statement released September 1, Pope Francis is granting all clergy the power to absolve the sin of abortion. Abortion incurs a latae sententiae — or automatic — excommunication, and requires the faculty of a bishop to lift such a penalty. Because the sin of abortion is so common, most bishops give all or most of their priests permission to absolve the sin and lift the excommunication. But in the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Holy Father is granting all priests this faculty — including the priests of the SSPX...
The sacrament of confession is known as a juridical act. To absolve sins, one must not only have received holy orders, but have faculties from a bishop in communion with Rome. The SSPX bishops do not have jurisdiction and are not in full communion, so the priests of the SSPX have never been able to absolve sins in confession.
The absolving of sin does not depend on jurisdiction.Their Confession is not licit but it is valid.
But in the year of mercy, starting on December 8, all that will change. For one year from that point on, the faithful may confess their sins to a priest of the SSPX.
The SSPX is a fraternity of priests opposed to the Second Vatican Council. 
They are not opposed to Vatican Council II per se but Vatican Council II in which LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc are assumed to be explicit instead of implicit, visible instead of invisible.When this distinctiion is not made then the Council is interpreted with an irrational premise. So the Council then emerges as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the old ecclesiology.
This point is never considered by Church Militant TV which repeats the leftist propaganda on Vatican Council II.
They are notable for declaring the missal of Paul VI to be evil and a threat to the Faith. Founded by French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the group was canonically dissolved in the 1970s after releasing a controversial document blaming the changes in the Church on the Second Vatican Council and the Pope.
The error was there in the irrational premise( cases in Heaven are visible on earth saved without the baptism of water and in invincible ignorance, seeds of the Word(AG 11) etc). This was followed up with the irrational inference( these visible-dead who are now in Heaven are explicit exceptions on earth to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus). They are inferred to be explicit since they are considered exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church for salvation.They would have to be objective to be exceptions.
The Archbishop had wrongly inferred that the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, referred to in the Boston Case of 1949, were explicit, objectively known and visible . So they became exceptions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.This was irrational at that time. Since physically there were no such cases.
The issue was ecclesiology and not the missal or the liturgy of the Novus Ordo Mass.
But it was a dozen years later in 1988 when the SSPX achieved their greatest notoriety. In order to continue his project, Abp. Lefebvre ordained four bishops against the wishes of Pope St. John Paul II. Lefebvre and the four new bishops incurred automatic excommunication.
Ever since, negotiations between the SSPX and the Vatican have been deadlocked. In 2009, in a generous gesture, Pope Benedict lifted the excommunications on the four bishops (even though Lefebvre's excommunication remains in place), but the talks afterward stalled.
The talks stalled.Neither was the ex communication of Archbishop Lefebvre lifted.Since the Vatican wanted the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference, so making the Council a break with traditional ecclesiology.
It meant the Nicene Creed had to be changed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus discarded, the Syllabus of Errors rejected and Vatican Council II interpreted with LG 16 being considered explicit instead of implicit. Archbishop Lefebvre correctly rejected this heresy. However he was not aware that LG 16 could be interpreted as being implicit instead of explicit. It was the duty of the Magisterium to point this out but they failed to do so.
CMTV still uses the same irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II as does the Archdiocese of Detroit.
This unprecedented act of ecumenism from the Holy Father may bring the Society back to the negotiating table, and even if it comes to nothing, it is an undeniable gesture of goodwill. 
The Vatican has refused to discuss doctrine.Since by now many people know that the doctrinal error is being made by the magisterium. We have a  case of magisterial heresy.It is maintained by the political left.
It's to be hoped that Pope Francis will be the Pope who brings the SSPX back into full communion with the Church.
It is hoped that Pope Francis will interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality and so then the entire Church can accept Vatican Council II along with the old ecclesiology and without any strange innovations in theology.
While this overture on Pope Francis' part may be the beginning of the end of a particularly bitter separation, there is still much work to be done. The SSPX still has no canonical status, and all marriages its clergy witness are still invalid.
Jursidiction does not decide the validity of a marriage. They have the faculties.
 Their Masses, baptisms, ordinations, last rites and confirmations remain illicit.
They are illicit but valid. 
They are illicit since they are being forced to accept a heretical, irrational, non traditional and ambigous version of Vatican Council II and they are correctly refusing to do so.

 The SSPX still needs to bring itself into full communion with the Church to be fully integrated in the life of the Church.
The Vatican can simply do this by announcing that there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.LG 16 is not an exception.
Certain doctrinal points still need to be hashed out,
An under statement when you consider that Pope Francis simply has to announce that there are no known exceptions in 2015 to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, so the Church's ecclesiology  has not changed, it is the same as the old ecclesiology of the SSPX.
 such as the role of Vatican II in the Church's timeless teaching, and the ordinary magisterium of recent popes. Previously, when asked to sign a doctrinal preamble, the current head of the SSPX, Bp. Bernard Fellay, balked. Coming up with a formula that both parties can shake hands on will be a difficult task.
He must continue to reject a Vatican Council II in which LG 16 is explicit for us.
He must instead accept a Vatican Council II in  which LG 16 is implicit for us and explicit only for God. Here lies the centre of the doctrinal confusion.
The remaining hurdles notwithstanding, this initiative is a major olive branch that will go a long way in repairing the relationship between the SSPX and the Church. This act could be seen as being even more significant than Benedict's lifting of the excommunications in 2009. And it opens the possibility of other sanctions against the SSPX being lifted, or even permanent faculties being granted.
Church Militant TV has missed the point.The doctrinal issue has still not be touched by Pope Francis.He is waiting for the SSPX to come into the Church accepting Vatican Council II as a break with the old ecclesiology.
The separation of the SSPX from the Church is lamentable, and we all should rejoice at this good news. Pray for reconciliation. During this crisis in the Church, they would be an invaluable ally.

-Lionel Andrades

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