Sunday, September 13, 2015

Former Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary faculty priest in U-turn: teaches at the Angelicum University

Fr.Francesco Giordano  is encouraged by the diocese of Rome to offer the Traditional Latin Mass since he has adopted the new ecclesiology; Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani's ecclesiology.
FrGiordano1's profile photo
Fr.Francesco Giordano who was on the faculty of the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary, Boccea, Rome which Pope Francis closed down, now teaches at the Angelicum University where he would formerly discourage seminarians to go.
In an about turn, the prudent diocesan priest offers a course at the Angelicum titled The Salvation of Non-Christians in St.Thomas Aquinas (SE 2591) according to the Order of Studies 2015-2016.
In a previous post 1 I had mentioned that  Fr.Francesco Giordano is a diocesan priest from  a diocese outside Rome and now it is learnt, teaches at pontifical universities in Rome.He has specialised in extra ecclesiam nulla salus but with the Marchetti irrationality of being able to know in the present times, people saved without faith and baptism in the Catholic Church.They are allegedly in Heaven, but are seen on earth to be exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church.Pure fantasy theology.Classic nonsense.Yet it is official.
Fr.Francesco says he affirms the rigorist interpretation of the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the Church Councils and St.Robert Belarmine and I have quoted him on this blog.Yet he will teach that the dogma has exceptions.
Like cardinals Marchetti and Richard Cushing, he infers that these cases are objective and personally known to be present day exceptions to Robert Bellarmine and Cantate Domino Council of Florence 1441.So in reality he rejects the pre-1949 magisterium and is incardinated as a priest.
So with this double speak ( rigorist interpretation and visible exceptions to the rigorist interpretation) he is allowed to teach and is recognised as a Catholic priest in the diocese, by the Vicariate and Vatican.
He interprets Vatican Council II as a break with St. Robert Bellarmine.The faculty at the University of the Holy Cross, the Opus Dei university in Rome knew all this and let him go ahead with his doctorate degree. Since Fr.Giordano was politically correct.
Fr. Angel Rodriguez Luño, Dean of the Department of Theology
at the Opus Dei university at that time, said this was a sensitive subject and so he would not comment on it.He meant it was sensitive for the Vicariate in Rome and the Vatican,overseen by the Jewish Left.
Fr.Francesco Giordano  is encouraged to offer the Traditional Latin Mass since he has adopted the new ecclesiology; Marchetti's ecclesiology.He is in favour with the new Rome.

Can a priest be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, affirm Vatican Council II interpreted according to Feeneyism and not choose incardination ?

SE 2591 The Salvation of Non-Christians in St. Thomas Aquinas’ Corpus 4 ECTS
Throughout the history of Christendom, the preoccupation with salvation has clearly been in
the forefront. Tied to the strong conviction that the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our
Lord Jesus Christ is our only key to such salvation, much missionary activity and expansion
has ensued. With this in mind, what happens to those many souls who are not Christian and
who have never heard the Good News? If original sin has conditioned every person in the history
of humanity, how was the salvific offer of Christ on the Cross the proper response to all
of humanity throughout time? Since we know that His offer is universal but requires that we
accept it, what happens to those who have not known it or have not accepted it? Who are
these people? What happens to them in rapport to our Savior Jesus Christ? Do they have
hope for salvation? In this course we wish to approach the issue of salvation of non-Christians
using the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, covering themes from the nature of Faith and the
necessity of Baptism to that of invincible ignorance. Since St. Thomas did not address this
theme frequently in his texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which
will open the way to help answer these questions.
F. GIORDANO Wed. 10.30-12.15

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