Saturday, September 12, 2015

If Popes Pius XII or Benedict sugggest BOD, BOB and I.I refer to seen and known cases today it is a factual mistake

I repeat what I tweeted on September 10. You're barking up the wrong tree. True Magisterium of the Church cannot err.
Lionel Andrades9 min
Any one who infers, implies or suggests that we humans in general can see the dead now in Heaven has made a mistake.
Lionel Andrades7 min
When the magisterium infers that baptism of desire cases are explicit and an exception to EENS in 2015 it is a mistake.
Lionel Andrades7 min
When a pope or cardinal suggests LG 16 refers to explicit cases and so VC2 contradicts EENS it is an objective mistake.
Lionel Andrades6 min
If Popes Pius XII or Benedict sugggest BOD, BOB and I.I refer to seen and known cases today it is a factual mistake.
Lionel Andrades5 min
No magisterium can create a new theology based upon an objective error. this is not the work of the Holy Spirit.
Lionel Andrades1 min
For your BOD and BOB are exceptions to EENS so yuu imply that these cases are visible and known to you.
Lionel Andrades1 min
They would have to be seen and known to you for them to be exceptions to EENS.

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