Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pakistan: Young women forced to convert to Islam

4-pakistan-femmesA report from the NGO Aurat Foundation, published by the Vatican information agency Fides on July 27, 2015, reveals that every year in Pakistan over 1,000 “young Christian or Hindu girls” are forced to convert to Islam and marry Muslims. These young women, often minors, “are kidnapped and offered as wives to the kidnapper or a third party.” According to the NGO, “threats and pressure on the victims and their families” are common. If their kin file a complaint, the kidnapper does so, too, “accusing the girl’s family and claiming that she converted freely.” When the girl in question is summoned to testify before the magistrate, “she is subject to threats and terrible pressure.”

“These cases are not followed up with serious investigations,” accuses the report that suggests passing a law against forced conversions.
(sources: apic/fides – DICI no. 321 dated September 25, 2015)

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