Tuesday, September 8, 2015

“Whose streets? Our streets!” UK Muslims riot in Rotherham, where rape gangs ran wild


Their streets indeed. Hardly anyone is contesting that, least of all the British government. “VIDEO: Muslim Protesters Clash With Rotherham Police,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, September 6, 2015 (thanks to Fjordman):
A “Rotherham Unites Muslim Lives Matter” rally descended into a riot yesterday afternoon. Two separate demonstrations were organised in the town that day; one by the group Britain First against Islamic rape gangs that proliferate in the town, and the other a so-called counter demonstration.
Police estimate around 150 Britain First protestors turned up, as well as 300 Unite Against Fascism activists and many more demonstrators from the local Muslim community.
Britain First made their way from the train station to the town hall to sing songs. The Muslim Lives Matter demonstration marched through the centre of town with signs displaying the UNITE union’s logo and others reading “No To Nazis” and “Never Again.”
In the first video (below), the Rotherham Unites Muslim Lives Matter demonstration can be seem chanting “Who’s Streets? Our streets!” and “Enough is enough; Muslim Live Matter!”
The group appears to have taken inspiration from the American “Black Live Matter” campaign.
Both initial demonstrations passed off without incident, however, smaller factions engaged in violence after the main event and two people were arrested on suspicion of assault and one for being drunk and disorderly.
Chief superintendent Rob Odell, who led the policing operation, told the Sheffield Star: “After lengthy planning and preparation for two opposing protests in the centre of Rotherham, the events passed smoothly.
“As the groups dispersed there was a pocket of disorder which was dealt with by officers at the scene.”
The videos below [one embedded above; the other has been removed] show what appears to be young Asian men throwing missiles at police in what has been described as a “riot” in the Wellgate area of Rotherham. People became trapped in an adjacent pub, which was described as “under attack.”

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