Saturday, October 3, 2015

Catholics to be exposed to a dangerous meditation technique this month at a stadium in Rome

There are books on Kundalini Yoga at Rome's municipal libraries where one can also read  books criticizing the Catholic Church and Catholic beliefs. Kundalini yoga is a dangerous form of yoga and even the Hindu gurus warn about its misuse.They call it 'the left path'. This not meant in a political sense but a moral sense.The orientation is not towards good but evil.The beings who use the left path are called  rakshasas.They are supposed to spend life times disciplining themself but on the 'left path', the evil path.
Kundalini yoga will be introduced as a relaxation technique and sport at a local stadium this month.It will be  conducted by a Hindu lady teacher of meditation.
On her Youtube videos she explains the meditation technique with Hindu philosophy associated with the Hindu religion.
Like other Hindu gurus she only talks about the physical and mental benefits of the relaxation technique but does not mention that the technique opens consciousness to evil influences.
There is a video of Kundalini yoga being taught at an ashram in India by teacher from another Hindu school. The participants seem possessed by a spirit and have lost their normal consciousness .Their movements are  like  slithery snakes.
The United Nations and other leftist organisations are promoting these forms of  Eastern meditations and mental techniques .
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Catholics will be exposed to this mental technique with oriental philosophy in Rome, when they are not ready. There will be consequences later. There could be deviant sexual behaviour and possession by demons and the need for excorcism later in life. Also unstable persons  could have more serious negative physical and mental effects.
For Catholics it will be an opening to the demons without the protection of Jesus.
Monsignor Emmanuel Milingo, former exorcist who lived in Rome used to practise these techniques. He  would not comment on their being  a powerful increase in the sex drive and sexual instability, when I told him about it at Zagarolo,Italy.He later married in a scandal.
Persons can be dangerously affected mentally, physically and psychologically and in some cases it can even result in death.For others it can become an addiction. They are unable to function without the meditation and gradually go deeper into the Hindu philosophy and religion with a change in lifestyle.It all begins with a desire for relaxation and peace which is there in the initial stages of the meditation.
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Some Hindu meditation centres stimulate the 'Kundalini energy' with the mantra Om. The Transendental Meditation program of Maharishi Mahesh  Yogi uses other mantras. One of them is linked with a name of Satan.The name is used by the Masons. 
This was part of the research of a priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Rome who had studied Freemasonry in depth.His Catholic religious community is still suppressed by Pope Francis, perhaps on the appeal of the Masons and  influential enemies of the Church , who are pro-Satan.
The political Left in Italy does not allow the Gesu al Centro Catholic youth, to play their guitars and speak about Jesus on the streets of Rome. However this religious program is acceptable in Rome, for those who support abortion, homosexuality and other things- evil.
-Lionel Andrades

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