Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Court upholds 5-year blasphemy sentence for TV anchor

In the enlightened West, we do not yet imprison people for blaspheming Islam. We are far too broad-minded for that. Instead, we just excoriate opponents of jihad mass murder as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes,” intent on “poking Muslims in the eye,” and we ostracize them and shun them in all polite circles.
Islam El-Beheiry
5-year blasphemy sentence upheld for Egyptian TV anchor,” Ahram Online, October 11, 2015 :
An Egyptian appeals court upheld Saturday a five-year prison sentence against TV anchor Islam El-Behery, a prominent researcher in Islamic studies, for “contempt of religion”.
El-Behery received the sentence in May and was released on bail in the case, which was filed by lawyer Mohamed Abdel-Salam.
In June, El-Behery was acquitted of charges of blasphemy in another case.
The researcher’s show, With Islam, was canceled in April. It aired on satellite TV channel Al-Kahera Wal-Nas and tackled controversial issues like punishments for apostasy and different interpretations of Islam….

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