Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sacrilegeous Synod

Immagine correlataThe pope is to permit the Eucharist to be given to Catholics in general who live in mortal sin.He already gives the Eucharist to pro abortion politicians. He permits Holy Mass where practising homosexuals are given the Eucharist.He also permits the Eucharist in England to be given to Catholic politicians who support same sex marriages.
This Sunday,tomorrow, is the opening of the Sacrilegous Synod which will allow the Eucharist to be given to Catholics who have divorced and are now living in adultery.
Our Lady has warned  us that this time will come ( Akita, Fr. Stefano Gobbi ...)
Whatever be your views on Maria Divine Mercy, her predictions on the Eucharist have come true this month.Perhaps it was because she was confirming previous messages and warnings of Our Lady given to others.
Immagine correlataWe have a pope who does not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)  and does not see the link between EENS and the Eucharist.
You cannot have eternal life, you cannot be saved unless you 'eat this Bread and drink this Blood',  Jesus said ( John 6). You have to be in Jesus' Church to receive the Eucharist.
Satan knows this. So he is constantly  trying to give the Eucharist less importance in the Church.
Immagine correlataMaria Simms, who had special charisms  and could communicate with souls in Purgatory was told that after Vatican Council II  a few Masonic cardinals in the USA, began the practise of giving the Eucharist in the hand. She saw a parish priest suffer in Purgatory. He told her he was there for a longer period since he gave the Eucharist in the hand to his parishioners. He forced them to accept only this form  of receiving the Eucharist.He said he was misinformed. He thought  this was the teaching of Vatican Council II when there is no text in the Council  which encourages this new practise, which had become a sacrilegeous form of receiving the Eucharist for his parishioners.
Who were these Masonic cardinals and who will be the Masonic cardinals attending the synod ?
 Will this be the same group who in future will  approve the abomination of desolation on the altar  at a new Novus Ordo Mass, different from the present one?
With the Novus Ordo Mass it would be easy to make the change in the liturgy for the sacrilege mentioned in the Bible, unlike the Traditional Latin Mass which has fixed movements and gestures.
I don't know. I hope I am not alive at that time, God willing.
Petersdom von Engelsburg gesehen.jpgThis Synod will be approve of priests, bishops, cardinals and the pope  sacrilegeously  giving the Eucharist  to persons in manifest mortal sin. This will be sacrilegeous cooperation.They will be cooperating in the sin. Some one who is outside the Church, outside Jesus' Mystical Body will be given the Eucharist.Without the divorcee going  back to his original spouse or leading a celibate life, he or she will be given the Eucharist.
The divorcee like non Catholics is on the way to Hell. The divorcee like non Catholics is outside the Church. Outside the Church there is no salvation. Pope Pius XII called this teaching ' a dogma' , ' an infallible teaching'.Pope Francis and the Synod will be contradicting the defined dogma and the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra.Three Church Councils defined extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

This is a sacrilegous synod. It contradicts Pope John Paul II's Ecclesia di Eucarestia.One Magisterium now contradicts an earlier one.
Immagine correlataJesuit theologians could use a false premise  and create a  new theology to support the sacrilege just as they used a false premise in the Boston Case to change the traditional teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They will probably call sacrilege a mercy and print out 12 or 15 pages of their intellectual ramblings  and false inferences. Then priests in general over the next few months and years, who do  not comply with this new theology  will be excommunicated or suspended, just as they excommunicated Fr. Leonard Feeney  and expelled him from the Jesuit community.
To stay in the Church externally and officially priests, bishops and cardinals will have to stay out of the Mystical Body of Christ. This is what Satan wants.
Priests will have to say that the doctrine has not changed but only its practise and implementation has changed.
They say the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has not changed but only the baptism of desire etc are exceptions  to the old doctrine, the traditional interpretation, which says there are no exceptions.
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Or, like during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI , the cardinals and the pope, said Jews do not need to convert in the present times.They also announced that the Church's teachings had not changed on this issue.
Would it be material or formal cooperation with evil for a priest to give the Eucharist to a divorced Catholic who has remarried? And what about us lay people who go to that priest to receive the Eucharist?

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 St. Alphonus Liguori, father of moral theology, and who is largely rejected today, says in his Teologia Moralis, that if a priest is in manifest mortal sin we should not go to him to receive the Eucharist, unless, it was an emergency , like not having any other way to fulfill one's Sunday obligation. He wrote it would be a sin against religion and charity. Since that priest is on the way to Hell and the communicant is acting as if all is normal.
After this Synod receiving the Eucharist from a priest who gives the Eucharist to persons in mortal sin will be the norm.
We will have to go to receive the Eucharist from a priest who cooperates with sacrilege. A magisterial sacrilege will be enforced in the Church
.-Lionel Andrades

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