Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pakistan: Christians build churches despite death threats

Pakistan: Christians build churches despite death threats


Javed David doesn’t seem to understand the situation. Muslims have threatened David and warned him to stop building new churches. So why is he going ahead? Why is he needlessly and recklessly poking them in the eye? They told him they didn’t like this activity — doesn’t he realize how much he is harming Muslim-Christian dialogue by provoking Muslims in this way?
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which understands very well that the dialogue must be preserved at all costs and all activities that offend Muslims must be ended immediately, should send an emissary or two over to Lahore to explain present-day realities to David and to the Rev. Sohail Farman. Perhaps an Eastern Catholic bishop, one with an Arabic background and a sterling record of silencing and ostracizing those who speak out against Muslim persecution of Christians, could take one of his trusted priests, one who knows that those who oppose jihad and Islamic supremacism are an ongoing danger to the church, and they could go over to Lahore together and explain to David and Farman that Islam is at its core a Religion of Peace, as long as Christians don’t cross any red lines and do anything to goad the poor dears into doing something violent — violence for which the Christians would be entirely responsible, of course.
Church construction Pakistan
Lahore, Christians build churches despite death threats,” by Shafique Khokhar, Asia News, November 9, 2015
Lahore (AsiaNews) – After receiving death threats earlier this year, the “Hope for Light” Christian Association has begun building a new church in the rural village of Sehari, Kasur district (35 km south-east of Lahore).
The village is home to 36 Christian families, who currently meet in a mud building Church that is too small to accommodate everyone. In view of the situation, Mass has to be celebrated outside.
After visiting the village, Rev Sohail Farman, who heads ‘Hope for light, said that the association would fund the construction of a new place of worship.
“Sehari is a small village of 200 houses,” said Sohail Farman. At least 36 belong to Christians who earn a living from farming.” In October, ‘Hope for Light’ began to build a church for them.
“We hope that people will benefit from this new place of worship and seek God through new blessings. We are doing our best to ensure that we can celebrate Christmas in the new church. The Muslim community is supporting this project all the way. ”
“We are committed to our mission and we will continue to help poor communities build churches,” said Javed David, leader of the construction team. “They have a right to have a place of worship. This is our fourth church.”
David himself told AsiaNews how earlier this, he received threats from Muslims, who warned him to stop building new churches. “This is a Muslim country and we cannot allow you to continue,” he was told. At that time, “Hope for Light” was active in Shekhupura District.
“We hope that things will improve with time,” said Malvin Mall, a team member. “We just shifted our focus from Shekhupura to Sehari, but for sure we shall continue our work in Shekhupura.”
“The change of focus is temporary,” added Ataurehman Saman, another member. “So far we have built three churches in Shekhupura and Jaranwala districts, Punjab.”…

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