Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pakistan: Police fabricate false blasphemy accusation against Christian

Pakistan: Police fabricate false blasphemy accusation against Christian


Rogue cops who act as servants of powerful elites are not limited to Pakistan, but in this instance, the police share the Islamic supremacist ideology of Muslim mobs who terrorize Christians over false blasphemy accusations, and did their bidding. The Pakistani blasphemy laws are an occasion of ongoing human rights abuses, but no one seems particularly concerned: after all, no “Islamophobia” is being committed, so what’s the problem?
police beating Pakistan
“Sargodha: Police fabricated false blasphemy accusation againt [sic] 24-year-old Christian,”Christians in Pakistan, October 19, 2015:
Court hearing of a Christian youth accused of blasphemy postponed.
In keeping with details, court hearing of Naveed John, resident of Sargodha has been postponed because of the fact that the judge was on leave. Naveed was charged of 295-C (blasphemy law) over blasphemy accusations on October 8. It has been reported that Naveed is pining away behind the bars.
The defence counsel of Naveed is ready to defend him during the blasphemy suit. The legal team defending him, when appeared in the court for the hearing they were told that the judge was on leave and so the police would not present Naveed in the court nor will they present their findings over the case. Moreover, the case is scheduled to be heard on 20th October.
It was on October 8, that a police constable Muhammad Naeem lodged a complaint against 24-year-old, Christian, Naveed John claiming that he has seen Naveed disrespecting the Quran and Islam. Moreover, the claimant Muhammad Naeem said that Naveed John had a sword with Quranic verses engraved on it and he placed that sword next to his feet and legs. Thus by placing that sword next to his legs and feet he had shown contempt, thus committed blasphemy. Soon after an FIR no.619/15 was lodged, police hooked Naveed.
It has been learnt that Naveed had been praying for people with physical sicknesses and demon possessed people. He was know for this in his area and so people from other religions also came to him for prayers. The sword which has been the cause of the accusations was actually gifted to Naveed by one of his Muslim devotees which Naveed took from him and placed it in his prayer room.
On the other hand, the family of Naveed John are facing threats and are in fear of any possible attempt of revenge from the Muslims. Advocate Sadaf Saddique, Sakhawat Masih- elder brother of Naveed revealed that just a few days prior to Naveed’s arrest police arrived at their home and asked for a huge sum of money as a bribe, in return of providing them security.
Furthermore, police threatened them that if they fail to give the amount demanded, the family would have to face dire consequences. Sakhawat Masih stated that Naveed did not ask for money from any one who came to him for prayer. In such circumstances it was not possible to give such a huge amount o the police, he said. He alleged that police arrested Naveed from a street and later on, the police raided the house and forcibly took the sword and fabricated the whole story.

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