Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Father Jacek Miedlar warns crowd: "Be ready to be persecuted"

WARSAW ( - Footage of a young Polish Catholic priest addressing a crowd of tens of thousands protesting Islam and liberalism is going viral. 
The speech occurred at a march in honor of Poland's November 11 National Independence Day, which marks the anniversary of the country's restoration of sovereignty in 1918.   
The young priest, Fr. Jacek Miedlar, spoke to a crowd of an estimated 50,000 protesters, defending Poland's autonomy and Catholic heritage against the rising threat of Islam, in response to European Union (EU) demands for the country to "absorb" Muslim refugees currently flooding Germany.
"The leftist and Islamic aggression is turned against Christianity and our nation," the priest said to a crowd filled with Polish flags. "We have the right to be afraid of that. We are entitled to fear for the fall of the Christian heritage of our nation."
"Get ready to be spat at," he warned the crowds. "Be ready to be persecuted." 

Father Jacek Miedlar

But he affirmed that the Catholics of Poland will not "fight with the hammer of hatred, which [the liberals] try to press into our hands. We will fight with the sword of truth, the sword of love and the sword of the Gospel Who is Jesus Christ, the Living Lord and Savior." 
"We do not want any violence in Poland," he affirmed. "We do not want the aggression in the name of Allah. No rapes! No lynches! No terror!" 
This was met with repeated cries from Fr. Miedlar and the audience of "Gospel not Koran!" 
Following chanting from the crowd of "God! Honor! Homeland!" Fr. Miedlar instructed the youthful audience that they are "the future of the Church" and the "future of the nation" and urged them to build "Catholic Poland on the foundation of truth and love, Who is no less than Jesus Christ." 
Father Miedlar finished with a request to the audience to pray to "Our Lady, to [their] only Queen, St. Mary the Queen of Poland" who would save them "from the Islamic invasion."  

Footage of the speech, which was published on YouTube last month, has gone viral, amassing nearly 120,000 views. 
The speech was part of what is being described as the "largest demonstration in Polish history," in which citizens took to the streets in protest of the Polish government's acceptance of 6,800 Syrian refugees per an EU refugee resettlement program.
Many protesters burned and stepped on EU flags, with some carrying a banner that read "EU Macht Frei," a reference to the Germann phrase "Arbeit macht frei" ("Work makes you free"), which appeared over the gates of Auschwitz concentration camp.
Other banners read "Stop Islamization" and "Great Catholic Poland," with marchers chanting "Poland for the Polish!" 
Another group shouted, "Yesterday it was Moscow, today it's Brussels which takes away our freedom!" referencing the country's history as a Soviet Union satellite state following World War II and the Belgian city often regarded as the de facto capital of the EU.  
"I came here because I love Poland and want to show it," stated one protester, who added that his grandfather had fought against the Nazi occupation of Warsaw during World War II. 
The protests, which lasted for several days, came two weeks after Law and Justice, the national-conservative party in Poland, became the largest presence in the country's parliament.  
Several thousand police officers were dispatched in anticipation of riots, but the demonstration, apart from occasional firecrackers and smoke bombs, was peaceful. 
The mass resettlement of Muslim Syrian refugees has been the subject of much controversy for months, with many questioning the insufficient vetting process of refugees and countries are ill equipped to handle the sudden influx.
Lebanese Education Minister Elias Bou Saab made the claim in September that ISIS operatives had infiltrated Syrian refugee camps and were using the crisis to enter Europe undetected. This claim was confirmed by a statement from an Islamic State operative who asserted that 4,000 ISIS jihadis had been successfully smuggled into Western countries. 
According to Norway authorities, hundreds of asylum-seekers that recently entered the country had photos on their phones of executions, severed heads, dead children and ISIS flags. Norway police acknowledged that the sudden rush of refugees resulted in less-thorough security vetting. 
Father Miedlar's speech occurred two days before the Paris terrorist attacks, in which coordinated mass shootings and suicide bombings perpetrated by seven Muslim terrorists affiliated with the Islamic State resulted in the deaths of 130 people. One of the terrorists had entered the country under the guise of being a Syrian refugee.

Joseph Pelletier is a staff writer for

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