Monday, December 28, 2015

Muslims Brutally Beat Christians in Berlin After Xmas Day Celebrations; ‘I Am Muslim, What Are You?’ Screams Attacker

ByPAMELA GELLER on December 26, 2015


Merkel is bringing in two million of these devout savages. Germany will be a de facto Islamic state by 2020. Europe will resemble the decrepit, failed Middle East in no short order, because that’s what Islam does to healthy societies.
“Christians Beaten in Berlin After Xmas Day Celebrations; ‘I Am Muslim,

What Are You?’ Shouts Attacker,” Breitbart, December 25, 2015:
Four Christians have been beaten up in Berlin, Germany’s capital city,

in the early hours of Saturday morning.
German media reports that four men were leaving the Adagio

venue in the bustling Potzdamer Platz area when they were

challenged by a man who exclaimed: “I am a Muslim! What are you?”

before setting upon the four 20-somethings. He was reportedly

assisted by four, older accomplices.

Police are now investigating the incident as a politically motivated attack,

and at least five people are thought to have been injured in the melee,

including one passer by who tried to settle the dispute.
The injured apparently refused medical treatment, and police records

indicated they were from Serbia and Montenegro, and are Orthodox Christians.
According to the Tagespiegel newspaper, the venue in the heart of Berlin

was hosting a “Balkan Party” in the evening on Christmas Day.
The assailants fled the scene before police arrived, and there have

been no reports yet as to their whereabouts.

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