Monday, December 21, 2015

No statement from cardinals and bishops criticizing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's approval of the political document on the Jews.

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There is no statement from cardinals and bishops criticizing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's approval of the political document on the Jews.
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The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Pope Francis are looking the other way.They are keeping silent over the Vatican Document on the Jews. This is 'inter religious dialogue' for them.
Rabbi Rosen, the B'nai B'rith  and the rest of the Jewish Left who do not represent all Jews, is telling Catholics what theology they have to accept.
Popes and cardinals have already been forced to accept the theology of Cushingism by 1949 Boston which says there are explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is the new theology which has been accepted in the Church and is part of this new document on the  Jews.
There is no comment from the shepherds of the church. They all do not want to say any thing controversial and which will upset their high standard of living.
Otherwise there are statements from Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider on errors on the Synod and other doctrinal issues. With this document the Vatican is changing doctrine and the cardinals and bishops are not commenting.
They are not even saying that they would like to put forward a theological opinion which is part of the dialogue. So afraid are they of making a statement.
Even Catholic journalists like Cindy Wooden, Edward Pentin, Luke Coppen and others do not want to say anything critical.
Instead Luke Coppen on Twitter has praised the document and posted a comment by a Dominican seminarian who is very positive about this document. So much does Coppen like the good life in England so attached is he to his newspaper that he is willing to deny the Catholic Faith.-Lionel Andrades

Still no comment from the SSPX on the Vatican heretical document on the Jews
Popes since the time of Pius XII have in public used irrational, non traditional and heretical Cushingism as a theology - 2
Popes since the time of Pius XII have in public used irrational, non traditional and heretical Cushingism as a theology - 1
Ann Barnhardt interprets magisterial documents with Cushingism

 Traditionalists are still interpreting Lumen Gentium 16 with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism
Cindy Wooden would not know of any exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or Vatican Council II
Catholics are 'the new people of God ','the Church is the new people of God', the new Chosen People, the Elect, outside of which there is no salvation -Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II

Vatican Document on the Jews :Pope Francis and the Vatican are 'under seige and surrender', in submission to Satan's lobby

Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity : Jewish Left propaganda, no respect for Catholic doctrines
Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews uses irrational Cushingism as a basic theology

Irrational Cushingism theology in the Document on the Jews is also there in Redemptorist Missio and Dominus Iesus
Traditionalists like Reuters correspondents use Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II : Feeneyism cannot be part of the dialogue.

No denial from traditionalists and Catholic journalists : contemporary TLM and Novus Ordo Mass is modernist, accompanied with a heretical theology (for them)

Cardinal Koch issues a politically correct opinion piece on the Jews which contradicts Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents

Discrimination Offices could be approached in Britain : English bishops and FIUV withholding information from Catholics

Irrational Cushingism theology in the Document on the Jews is also there in Redemptorist Missio and Dominus Iesus

Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity : Jewish Left propaganda, no respect for Catholic doctrines
Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews uses irrational Cushingism as a basic theology

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