Friday, December 11, 2015

Traditionalists like Reuters correspondents use Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II : Feeneyism cannot be part of the dialogue.

Reuters owned by the Jewish Left continues its propagand against the Catholic Church. It says :

The document coincided with the 50th anniversary of a revolutionary Vatican statement that repudiated the concept of collective Jewish guilt for Jesus' death and launched a theological dialogue that traditionalists have rejected.
They feel there should be a so-called "Jewish mission" to convert Jews because they did not accept Jesus as the Messiah, and were therefore bound to be displeased by the new official stance on conversion, a senior Vatican official said....
But later a prayer for the Jews was allowed to remain in the old-style Latin Mass, sometimes called the Tridentine Rite, used by ultra-traditionalists such as the Society of Saint Pius X, whose members reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
 Image: Cardinal Kurt Koch and Rabbi David Rosen attend a news conference at the Vatican
launched a theological dialogue that traditionalists have rejected.
They mean a theological dialogue based on Cushingism and not traditional Feeneyism.Why does Reuters say the traditionalists have rejected it? The traditionalists too are using Cushingism.
The traditionalists like Reuters correspondents use Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II and then reject the non  traditional conclusion.
Reuters uses Cushingism as a theology too, to interpret Vatican Council II but accepts the heretical conclusion.The Council is a break with the past and 'revolutionary' for Reuters and the the liberal rabbis.
So since Cushingism says there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and they are the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance ( al without the baptism of water) Lumen Gentium 16 , refers to explicit and not implicit cases, visible and not invisible cases in 2015.Traditionalists make the same mistake.
With Feeneyism as a theology, there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS. So LG 16 for me refers to invisible cases in 2015. It is a reference to a hypothetical case, a possibility known only to God. Dogmatically it would be include the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. Either way it is a zero case in our reality.
Reuters will not interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism it cannot be part of the dialogue.
the new official stance on conversion,
The 'new official stance on conversion' cannot contradict the Bible and  Sacred Tradition.Yet this is being done in public by the contemporary magisterium  intimidiated by  the Jewish Left. They would not be able to force the Muslim states to issue such a statement, as they can do by 'twisting the arm'  of polite cardinals.

But later a prayer for the Jews was allowed to remain in the old-style Latin Mass, sometimes called the Tridentine Rite, used by ultra-traditionalists such as the Society of Saint Pius X, whose members reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
whose members reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

If Feeneyism was used to interpret Vatican Council II there would be no 'reforms of the Second Vatican Council'.The Jewish Left media continues to repeat this slogan since the traditionalists have not pointed out the error.
-Lionel Andrades

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