Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Vox, this is no small feat in what you wrote. The words flowed from grace and wisdom that is given to you from God - George Brenner

George Brenner said...


   Your one paragraph defining 'Extra ecclesiam nulla Salus' (no salvation outside the Catholic Church) is the most concise, accurate and absolutely clear explanation that I have ever seen. It is totally and completely spot on. This has been the faithful teaching and understanding for Centuries of our one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith. It is our right and duty to obey this teaching if we are to be truly Catholics. Vox, this is no small feat in what you wrote. The the words flowed from grace and wisdom that is given to you from God.

There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. No Protestants. No Jews. No Muslims, No Hindus. No Buddhists. No Mormans. No Jehovah's Witnesses. No animists, no atheists, no pagans. None will get to Heaven. All will go to Hell for all eternity...Now, can these Protestants, Jews and Muslims and others be saved by God? That is up to Him...If one of these is saved...We cannot know who these are, who are saved or if in fact they will be.- David Domet, Vox Cantoris
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