Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is the name of a Spiritual Director who uses Feneeyism as a theology in the Catholic Church and who inteprets Vatican Council II with Feeneyism Michael Voris?

CMTV is not proclaiming the Catholic Faith.

Michael Voris says in the Vortex ( Assault Forces ) that presently there is :

  • No serious preaching on anything controversial — meaning the sexual issues
  • Catechetical programs aimed at watering down the Faith so none of that serious stuff will receive much attention
  • The adoption of an ecumenism totally at odds with what the Church has traditionally understood authentic ecumenism to be 
  • The blessing of politically liberal positions to make it appear unCatholic to oppose them
  • The packaging of Catholic liturgy to be as Protestant-friendly as possible — all while flat-out ignoring the documents of the Second Vatican Council
Now, realizing that and being willing to accept death on the beaches so that the next wave behind you can finally reach the walls of the fortress and begin tearing it down, we urge you to pray and consult deeply with holy, solid spiritual directors.

I know Michael means well but he is no different.
No serious preaching on anything controversial — meaning the sexual issues
Lionel:    Michael Voris does not say theologically that every one needs to enter the Church for salvation and there are no exceptions in 2015. He does not say that the baptism of desire etc is not an exception to all needing to enter the Church.Instead he says there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus so and every one does not need to be a card carrying member of the Church.

Catechetical programs aimed at watering down the Faith so none of that serious stuff will receive much attention.
Lionel: It is the same with CMTV. The premium programs are based on the theology of Cushingism and not traditional Feeneyism.The adoption of an ecumenism totally at odds with what the Church has traditionally understood authentic ecumenism to be 
Lionel: The ecumenism has its basis in Cushingism. Since there is alleged salvation outside the Church.Every one does not need to be a Catholic to go to Heaven. Protestants do not need to convert.

The blessing of politically liberal positions to make it appear unCatholic to oppose them
Lionel: Cushingism is supported by the political Left. Feeneyism would be considered anti-Semitic.So CMTV is prudent in the wordly sense. CMTV is not proclaiming the Catholic Faith.

The packaging of Catholic liturgy to be as Protestant-friendly as possible — all while flat-out ignoring the documents of the Second Vatican Council
Lionel: The documents of Vatican Council II are in agreement with Feeneyism but CMTV will not say this. Instead like Bishop Athanasius Schneider, CMTV interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism and then rejects the Council.This is magisterial.It is heretical and accepted by the Establishment.

we urge you to pray and consult deeply with holy, solid spiritual directors.
Lionel: What is the name of a Spiritual Director who uses Feneeyism as a theology in the Catholic Church and who interprets Vatican Council II with Feeneyism, Michael Voris? - Lionel Andrades

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