Saturday, December 19, 2015

When faced with evil, close open 'doors'

When faced with evil, close open 'doors'
As I mentioned last spring, when he died, my dad used to always tell us to "roll with the punches," to "ride with the waves." And he practiced what he preached. He rode the waves -- never lost composure -- when an infant-son of his died at just several weeks old (he performed an emergency Baptism on him), when our house was largely destroyed in a fire (I never detected a swerve in his emotions), nor when a grandson died in a car accident. Calmly, while in college, he once marshaled a group of students to move a fallen tree from the rails before a train came, and was later sent a letter of commendation, which said he probably had saved lives (never told us about this; found it in his papers after the funeral).
Roll with the punches. Do so sometimes quietly. Ride with the waves. (And also: go to Mass.)
Good advice, though there are also times in life when we're not in a position to ride the surf, when we're isolated on a shore as the waves begin to break, and in these moments, when we can't ride them, nor escape, we can stand firm, on a Rock, while letting the surf break around us.
In other words, there are times to simply let go; stand quietly firm; let God be God; withstand an onslaught. We find this often in spiritual warfare. Silencio. Otherwise, we are confused and disheartened by the trials of life.No discernment is ascertained when the mouth is in motion and we are (through words, which bring emotions) energizing the enemy.
If you have tried and tried to fight a circumstance, if you have attempted endlessly to talk through or against a circumstance, an unfairness, and if this has borne no fruit, perhaps it's time to just let the waves break; to let the water move around you; to exercise the power of silence; to pray where before, you talked.
Be positive. Move forward. Never concede an inch to evil, but neither let it engage you. Stand up at the right time and withstand at others.
Let the water break; just don't get swept along with the waves. Sometimes they form a cross.
As Father Christopher Ngozi Onuoha says in a valuable, fact-filled new book (Healing You and Your Family Tree), demons "can easily pick up, and are attracted by, negative emotions around us. These negative vibrations include, among others: unforgiveness, anger, fear, doubts, unbelief, impatience, lying, all forms of impurity and immorality, bad thoughts, idleness, daydreaming, and fantasies -- as well as New Age and occult curiosity. These human actions emit negative signals that demons can pick up. Demons hang around persons involved in these activities that generate negative emotions or energy. This is very much like emotional vibrations that people can pick up when others are tense or angry. In short, any human actions that violate God's Commandments and the official teachings of the Church make such persons beehives of evil spirit activity. Negative energy draws evil spirits just like flies are drawn by foul or rotten smells around carcasses."
As Father Christopher (once an "Intercessor of the Lamb," now a priest in the Diocese of Omaha) says, "Satan knows what sins opened the doors to it to inflict bondage on the person or family tree. As long as the open door or predisposing factor is in place, Satan is able to initiate and perpetuate any evil of its choice until it is stopped dead upon its tracks in the Name of Jesus. When a mad dog is set loose, it can cause much destruction until it is restrained. Satan is a mad dog that should be restrained and rendered harmless by taking away its legal claim and power, which is sin (Colossians 2:14). The Blood of Jesus has destroyed sin; this Blood is our salvation and freedom."
Look at the power and freedom that came through quietude 2,000 years ago during that silent night.
Frequently, the more we talk about a situation that is imbued with darkness, the darker and worse the infestation (and sting) becomes. This can be especially pronounced during holidays. That's not to say an infestation should not be exposed: Satan loves to work in the dark. But sometimes, after citing such, after speaking at length about it repeatedly, perhaps ad nauseam, it is be best to seek recourse in the power of silence.
There comes a point where there is no use talking. The mouth becomes an open door. It is the open mouth that often hooks us, that inhales foul air, that gets the fish caught. As Saint Teresa of Avila once said, "Let nothing disturb you, nothing cause you fear. All things pass; God is unchanging. Patience obtains all. Whoever has God needs nothing else; God alone suffices."
-- Michael H. Brown

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