Thursday, January 22, 2015

And I feel you are saying only Catholics are truly saved....

paulasusan@ffc1b800f8aa43e I feel as though you are bashing Christians who are not Catholic...

 By taping a television series for EWTN? You'll have to be more specific about your allegations.
 I listened to all your downloads And I feel you are saying only Catholics are truly saved....I am listening to them again..

sounds as if you are saying only Catholics are going to Heaven...

 Since I have never said that only Catholics are going to Heaven, you'll have to be more specific as to why you heard that?

Martignoni@JohnMartignoni I never say who goes to Heaven and who doesn't - not my job. My arguments deal with truth - who has it, who doesn't.

Basically by saying Catholics have the truth, then you are saying Protestants aren't or couldn't be saved....
Let me ask you a series of questions to explain what I teach: Did Jesus establish a church that teaches error, yes or no?
I agree. To continue these questions (as way of explanation for what I teach) Jesus founded one church: yes or no?

I can't answer that at the moment...

Steve Jalsevac says there is a collapse of religious leadership : yet he projects the Catholic Church as teaching heresy which Lifesites approves

Steve Jalsevac, is the co-founder of along with John Henry Weston and neither of them are affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in agreement with Vatican Council II.This is similar to Steve Ertlet and the Catholic members of and LifeSites take up Catholic issues and have a Catholic readership in which they are pro life and anti-abortion,as if these issues  are important from a traditional Catholic perspective.

 Yet they will not report on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as being in agreement with Vatican Council II.They are silent here.Since they do not want their business affected.
Steve Jalsevac says on Mic'd up that there is a collapse of religious  beliefs and there are no common standards any more.There is a rejection of reason. There is a collapse of leadership from the religious , including the Catholic Church.
Yet promotes modernism and does not say that the Catholic teaching is still outside the Church there is no salvation and Protestants and others are outside the Church , including Steve Jalsevac and Steve Ertelt .
Lifesites reported on the Franciscans of the Immaculate having to accept Vatican Council II.As I mentioned in a previous post two important points related to Catholic doctrine were omitted. They are still not being addressed.

1.The F.I are expected to state that they affirm the Marchetti Letter (1949) in which it is assumed that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, refer to known cases in the present times and these persons are known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma by Fr.Leonard Feeney.

2.Then they are expected to use the same irrational reasoning in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.Lumen Gentium 16 ( being saved in invincible ignorance) they must affirm refers to known cases in the present times.They would have to be known to become exceptions. Since they are known in 2015 Vatican Council II becomes a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.This is irrational since these persons would be in Heaven. 

Lifesites has not denied that they have ignored these two important points.How could they ? They project the same irrationality as being Catholic. They contribute to the confusion in the Catholic Church.

Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14) says all need faith and baptism for salvation.It is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, defined by three Church Councils and which Pope Pius XII called an 'infallible teaching'. This means the Catholic Church, in its official documents, states, as it did over centuries, that all non -Catholics, Protestants included, need to formally convert into the Catholic Church (with faith and baptism) to avoid the fires of Hell ( for salvation).

This is the teaching of the Catholic Church which Steven Jalsevec, Hilary White and John Henry Weston cannot proclaim through Life Sites since it is politically incorrect with the Left and their business could be targeted and careers ended, among other things.So it is convenient and comfortable for them to project Catholic issues while avoiding the teaching of the Church on salvation.

If John Henry Weston can do away with the dogma on exclusive salvation why is Lifesites critical of Catholics who do not want to follow the teachings on pro life issues?

If for social and personal reasons LifeSites does not want to talk about extra ecclesiam nulla salus being in agreement with Vatican Council II why complain when a mother aborts her child for social reasons?

Now if Vatican Council II is interpreted without this irrationality, for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and John Henry Weston, the Council would be in agreement with the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. Can LifeSites support the 'rigorist interpretation' of Fr.Leonard Feeney and Vatican Council II (AG 7) ?

So while rank and file Catholics know that there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the centuries old interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation, Life Sites like the liberals in the Vatican, project Vatican Council II as a break with the past. -Lionel Andrades 

Church teaching which Steven Ertelt, Hilary White,John Henry Weston and others cannot proclaim through LifeNews/Life Sites : not good for business

Protestant ignores Pope Francis' comment on 'absurd' to look for Jesus without the Church


From IHM School : Thank you!

From IHM School
Education •Tradition • Catholicism


This newsletter is dedicated to all of those who
 in one way or another support our Immaculate Heart of Mary
It is quite obvious to me that without all of your help we
could not persevere through the test of time.

I sat up one dark and cold morning trying to come up with
an adequate description of the importance of the integral
role you play at IHM. It then hit me; I will use the human
Work with me, I am a science guy after all.
Above all, the Holy Spirit is the air we all breathe to keep
all systems operating. Without that vital breath of life, we
would have absolutely no goodness to be celebrating.
The parents can be compared to the heart of our
children’s lives that on a daily basis pump goodness into
each and every student.
Our benefactors can be compared to the spine holding
us up each and every year.
The lay teachers and religious are the brain of the
organization that on a daily basis commit themselves
to trying to fill our children’s lives with truth and goodness.
If we took away just one of these systems for just a small
moment of time, our doors would close and we would cease
to exist as a school.
St. Don Bosco once said, “To know that you are young is
sufficient reason for me to care for your welfare. I care for
you, because you have in your hearts the treasure of virtue.”
Your presence whether from near or far proves you too care.
I feel that using the wise words spoken by Saint John Bosco
is the ultimate way to end and truly portray the importance
of your works in our children’s daily lives.
Do you want to do a good deed, teach the young!
Do you want to do a holy act, teach the young!
Do you want to do a holy thing, teach the young!
Truly now and for the future, among holy things,
this is the holiest.

A Message from Jill Bosonetto our Fundraising
jillty copy.jpg

This newsletter is about gratitude!

This year we kicked off a little campaign known as the Angel
Program. Using the angel program we have been signing up
patrons for as low as $10 a month. With this little program we
 have reaped great results. So, we are grateful! To God and to you.
To all of IHM's patrons: some of you have no stake in our small school;
nothing would change for you if we shut down. But you see us as
 a Good. You see the beautiful religious trying to do the will of God by
educating these future Catholics, and you support them with more than
 just words. You see to it that the love of God and the love of the Faith
becomes fixed in their hearts and rooted in their souls.
To the people who keep our doors open and who open doors for us. 

Sister Mary Joseph’s Puzzle Corner

Four new home-owners went to the hardware store. 
They all moved into the new condos overlooking the ocean.
 The home-owners were in the hardware store to buy
 something that the builders forgot to include in the condos. 
What did they buy? Well, One of the home-owners bought
one for just $1.00. Seven is also $1.00, but ninteen costs
$2.00. If they needed one hundred twenty five, the total
cost would have been $3.00. Even if they ordered four
 hundred, they will still only pay $3.00. Each
home-owner bought what they needed and the
total was $4.00. What did they buy?

The Solution to Last Month's Puzzle:
Q. When do you go on red and stop on green?
A. When eating watermelon, of course!

Four new home-owners went to the hardware store.
They all moved into the new condos overlooking the
ocean. The home-owners were in the hardware store
to buy something that the builders forgot to include in
the condos. What did they buy? Well, One of the
home-owners bought one for just $1.00. Seven is also
$1.00, but ninteen costs $2.00. If they needed one
hundred twenty five, the total cost would have been
Even if they ordered four hundred, they will still only
 pay $3.00.
Each home-owner bought what they needed and the
 total was $4.00.
What did they buy?
The Solution to Last Month's Puzzle:
Q. When do you go on red and stop on green?
A. When eating watermelon, of course!

Immaculate Heart of Mary School
95 Fay Martin Road
Richmond, NH 03470


Messainlatino still doesn't get it

Messainlatino has posted a brief report titled Extra ecclesiam nulla salus but refers to ' a formula' and not 'a dogma'.I have not found an Italian translation of the dogma 1.

In Italy, otherwise, they assume that the Marchetti letter of 1949 was correct. So for Messainlatino, the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are
(1)  physically known and visible to us and so (2) are an explicit exception in 2015 to 'the formula' extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This is also the irrationality of Una Voce Italy 1993, whom they have cited.
When Messainlatino in other posts and comments say that there are exceptions to the dogma, they do not realize that Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani who issued the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was in heresy. He was in heresy for rejecting the dogma with an irrationality.That same stupidity of 'being able to see the dead who are now in Heaven and who are explicit exceptions to the dogma' is repeated by MessainLatino and Una Voce.
MessainLatino, like Una Voce International, does not want to say that the dogma and Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) says all need faith and baptism for salvation and so present day Hindus, Buddhists, Jews,Muslims, Protestants and Orthodox Christians are on the way to Hell with no exceptions, unless they convert into the Catholic Church. Neither do they want to say that we cannot see or meet anyone in 2015 who will be saved or is saved without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith.So there are no known exceptions to the dogma.

They are as limited and at home with Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J who rejected the dogma and whom they quote.
The same irrational reasoning 'of being able to see the dead who are now in Heaven and who are explicit exceptions to the dogma' Messainlatino otherwise uses, to interpret Vatican Council II. 

 Lumen Gentium 16 refers to those who are saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water. This is even though the text of Lumen Gentium 16 does not say that these cases are saved without the baptism of water.Since for Messainlatino it is possible to 'be able to see the dead who are now in Heaven and who are explicit exceptions to the dogma' Lumen Gentium 16 contradicts 'the formula' extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So Vatican Council II is a break with the dogma and Tradition.
This was the understanding of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who called outside the church no salvatiion 'an aphorism' (CCC 846) and did not quote the text of the dogma in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Messainlatino is of no help to the Franciscans of the Immaculate(F.I).Since Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Cardinal Braz de Avez and Fr.Fidenzio Volpi want the F.I to accept Vatican Council II while assuming that we human beings are ' able to see the dead who are now in Heaven and who are explicit exceptions to the dogma'.
-Lionel Andrades

The Church is still the Body and Bride of Christ, and there is no salvation outside of it. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

 A Jewish man emailed me announcing that he is ready to become a Christian and asked if I would please baptize him. Because proselytizing is NOT “solemn nonsense”. Like the Ethiopian eunuch and St. Philip, how can they possibly understand it if no one explains it to them??
Nipping this in the bud now, NO NO NO NO NO. When you are ready to enter the Church, you need to be baptized, after receiving convert instructions, by a priest. The Old (pre-1965-Asteroid impact) Baptismal Rite is a massively powerful sacrament, including all manner of minor exorcisms. I so regret not having been baptized and confirmed in the Old Rite. But, hey, it all worked out. While it is true that ANYONE can baptize, that latitude exists only because of God’s infinite mercy, especially in regards to emergency situations. A layperson should only baptize in a dire emergency, or if political oppression or some other grave circumstance makes baptism by a priest impossible.
And remember, the matter and form of baptism is to lave the head with true and natural water, whilst saying, “I baptize thee (or This person is baptized) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” And by “Father, Son and Holy Ghost”, one must mean the Triune Godhead, not “space alien #1, space alien #2 and space aliens #3 & #4″, as Mormons do, hence making their faux-baptisms ALL INVALID.
If you are ready to ‘git right wit’ the Lord, and enter His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, I would recommend finding and contacting a parish, or an individual priest that celebrates the Traditional Mass *that is in full communion with the Church*. Yes, even in these dark, rudderless days, you still want to be in FULL COMMUNION with the Church, which remember, is a SUPERNATURAL entity. No matter how bad the pope may be (because remember, we get the clergy and pope we deserve), the Church is still the Body and Bride of Christ, and there is no salvation outside of it. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Here are some resources for North America:

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
The Institute of Christ the King
Ecclesia Dei commission list of Traditional Masses